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checkexec is a tool to conditionally execute commands only when files in a dependency list have been updated.

This tool provides the behavior of make as a standalone executable, where a command is only run if any of its dependencies have been updated. Like make, checkexec runs a command only if the modified time of any dependency is newer than the modified time of the target.


The arguments are: <target> <dependencies...> -- <command>. The -- is a required separator.

checkexec build/my-bin src/my-program.c -- cc -o build/my-bin src/my-program.c

checkexec executes the command directly, so shell constructs like '&&' and '||' are not supported. You can use /bin/bash -c as the command, but escaping is tricky. You're likely better off using two invocations of checkexec.

You can infer the dependency list with --infer, where checkexec will inspect the arguments of <command> for accessible paths. --infer will fail if no files are found.

checkexec build/my-bin --infer -- cc -o build/my-bin src/my-program.c


cargo install checkexec

Usage Notes

checkexec is great for when you build files from other files. Instead of relying on ecosystem-specific tools, you can use checkexec as part of any build tool. Here are some examples:

checkexec pairs well with these tools:

# Only run your command if a rust file has changed. Note cargo does approximately the 
# same thing natively, but you can easily tailor this structure to a custom case.
checkexec target/debug/hello $(fd -e rs . src) -- cargo build

Exit codes

checkexec exit codes behave as you would expect, specifically:


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star!

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