


<img src= "./img/chameleon_logo.jpg" width="200" height="200">

Chameleon is a tool that performs concolic testing with adaptively changing search heuristics. The tool is implemented on top of CREST and ParaDySE. CREST is a publicly available concolic testing tool for C and ParaDySE provides a publicly available implementation of parametric search heuristic for concolic testing.

Table of Contents


Install Chameleon.

You need to install Ubuntu 16.04.5(64 bit) or Ubuntu 14.04.1(64 bit). We use gcc-4.8 and g++-4.8. Then follow the steps:

$ sudo apt-get install ocaml python-numpy python-scipy #(if not installed) 
$ git clone https://github.com/kupl/Chameleon.git
$ cd Chameleon/cil
$ ./configure
$ make
$ cd ../src
$ make

Compile each benchmark with Chameleon.

Please read README_Chameleon file located in each benchmark directory. In README_Chameleon file, we explain how to compile each benchmark. For instance, we can compile sed-1.17 as follows:

$ cd Chameleon/benchmarks/sed-1.17 
# #(vi README_Chameleon)
$ make


Run Chameleon.

Chameleon, a tool for peforming concolic testing with adaptively changing search heuristics online, is run on an instrumented program. For instance, we can run our tool for grep-2.2 as follows:

$ screen 
# Initially, each benchmark should be compiled with Chameleon:
$ cd Chameleon/benchmarks/grep-2.2
$ ./configure
$ cd src
$ make
# Run Chameleon
$ cd Chameleon/scripts
$ python Chameleon.py pgm_config/grep.json 3600 10 

Each argument of the last command means:

If Chameleon successfully ends, you can see the following command:

################Time Out!!!!!################

Calculate branch coverage.

When the testing budget is exhausted, you can calculate the number of covered branches as follows:

$ cd Chameleon/scripts
$ python print_coverage.py Chameleon ../experiments/0225__grep-2.2__Chameleon/
$ # of covered branches by Chameleon: 2245 (# of trials: 900)

Each argument of the last command means:

Reproduce bug-triggering inputs.

You can also check whether the found bug-triggering inputs are reproducible as follows:

$ cd Chameleon/scripts/bug_check/
$ screen 
$ python3 bugchecker.py ./bin/grep-2.2 ../../experiments/0225__grep-2.2__Chameleon/buginputs/ 

Tool(Heuristic): Chameleon,   Binary Version: grep-2.2
# of total bug-triggering inputs:  17
  - # of Performance Bug: 4
  - # of Segmentation-Fault: 13
  - # of Abnormal-Termination: 0

Each argument of the last command means:

We run Chameleon on a linux machine with two Intel Xeon Processor E5-2630 and 192GB RAM.