


Clojure JDBC utility functions meant for other higher-level libraries.


On Clojars: https://clojars.org/clj-jdbcutil

Leiningen dependency: [clj-jdbcutil "0.1.0"]

Everything exists in the clj-jdbcutil.core namespace.

(ns example.app
  (:require [clj-jdbcutil.core :as ju]))

Dynamic var for database configuration keys

The dynamic var *dbspec* may be bound to a map containing well known keys and corresponding values (that users should honor):

:dbmetadatamap{}use dbmeta to retrieve this value
:catalogString, Keyword etc.nilSHOULD be converted using db-iden
:schemaString, Keyword etc.nilSHOULD be converted using db-iden
:read-only?booleanfalsetrue SHOULD disallow write operations
:show-sql?booleantruetrue SHOULD print SQL statements
:show-sql-fnfunction (w/ 1 arg)prints SQL using printlnyou may rebind this to fn that sends to logger
:clj-to-dbfunction (w/ 1 arg, returns string)converts hyphen to underscoredictates how should identifiers be converted from Clojure to the database
:db-to-cljfunction (w/ 1 arg, returns clj form)converts to lower-case keyworddictates how should identifiers be converted from the database to Clojure
:fetch-sizeInteger1000number of rows to fetch per DB roundtrip; helps throttle/optimize large DB reads; 0 means unlimited
:query-timeoutInteger0number of seconds to wait for query to execute, after which timeout occurs raising SqlException (not all JDBC drivers support this so check driver manual before use)


Creating datasources

You must already have the JDBC driver in the classpath. Then you can follow either of the following to create a datasource.

(make-datasource driver-classname jdbc-url)
(make-datasource driver-classname jdbc-url username password)

Note that the API above will not create a pooling datasource, and hence may not be suitable for production use. For information on how to create pooling JDBC datasources, check out clj-dbcp


The macro with-connection can execute a body of code in the context of JDBC connection as :connection (unless already populated). This is like clojure.java.jdbc/with-connection with the exception that you must provide :datasource in the map.

(with-connection {key1 val1 key2 val2 ...}


Copyright © 2012 Shantanu Kumar

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.