Basil is a general purpose template library for Clojure and ClojureScript.
Important: Consider this library in ALPHA until this notice is removed. API and implementation will change in incompatible ways. You have been warned.
On Clojars:
Leiningen dependency: [basil "0.4.0"]
Supported Clojure versions: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5
Tested with lein-cljsbuild version: 0.2.8
This page has only elementary documentation. Intro page has more details.
Basic Templates
A Basil template can be parsed from a plain string. Every Basil template is composed of distinct, interleaved and non-nested static-text and slots. The slots contain limited Clojure forms to express the filter-functions and dynamic data. Few examples:
<table> <tr> <th>Template</th> <th>Clojure data</th> <th>Result</th> </tr> <tr> <td>foo bar</td> <td>{}</td> <td>foo bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>foo <% num %> bar</td> <td>{:num 45}</td> <td>foo 45 bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>foo <% (inc num) %> bar</td> <td>{:inc inc :num 45}</td> <td>foo 46 bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td>foo <% (inc (inc num)) %> bar</td> <td>{:inc inc :num 45}</td> <td>foo 47 bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td><pre>foo <% (when-not (seq names) "No names!") %> bar</pre></td> <td>{:names []}</td> <td>foo<br/> No names!<br/> bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td><pre>foo <% (when (seq names) (str-br names)) %> bar</pre></td> <td>{:names ["Lucy" "Brian"]}</td> <td>foo<br/> Lucy<br/><br/> Brian<br/><br/> bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td><pre>foo <% (for-each [b names] (str "name=" b)) %> bar</pre></td> <td>{:names ["Tom" "Jane" "Larry"]}</td> <td>foo<br/> name=Tom<br/> name=Jane<br/> name=Larry<br/> bar</td> </tr> <tr> <td><pre>foo <% (for-each [a [1 2] b names] (str ":a=" a ", name=" b)) %> bar</pre></td> <td>{:names ["Tom" "Jane" "Larry"]}</td> <td>foo<br/> :a=1, name=Tom<br/> :a=1, name=Jane<br/> :a=1, name=Larry<br/> :a=2, name=Tom<br/> :a=2, name=Jane<br/> :a=2, name=Larry<br/> bar</td> </tr> </table>Use basil.public/parse-compile
to parse and compile a template and use
to render a compiled template.
Template Groups
Template groups can be created from directory or classpath. A slot in one
template can include an entire template dynamically using
<% (include "foo.basil") %>
. You may also create additional context for
included template using <% (include "foo.basil" {:a 10 :b 20} {:items xs}) %>
Use basil.public/make-group-from-directory
to create template groups. Use
to render a template from a group.
Getting in touch
By e-mail: kumar.shantanu(at)
On Twitter: @kumarshantanu
Copyright © 2012 Shantanu Kumar
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.