


Using supervised learning, create a set of affix rules for use by the CSTlemma lemmatiser.

Training takes place in three stages:

Empty lines in the training/testing data are interpreted as cluster separators. If the data has no empty lines between non-empty lines, the training and testing occurs on a line-by-line basis, but if there are such empty lines, training and testing occurs on a cluster-by-cluster basis. For example, by collecting homographs in clusters and defining all non-ambiguous full forms as one-line clusters, testing with 'OOV' words (that is, words that were not used during training) will result in more realistic estimates of how well the rules are able to spot and lemmatize ambiguous full forms.

Notice that the whole process easily can take many days, even a couple of weeks, to run.

This version still contains a lot of "dead wood" and confusing naming. We work on that.

Bart Jongejan, April 21, 2015