

Kelemetry: Global control plane tracing for Kubernetes


Kelemetry aggregates various data sources including Kubernetes events, audit log, informers into the form of traditional tracing, enabling visualization through Jaeger UI and automatic analysis.


As a distributed asynchronous declarative API, Kubernetes suffers from lower explainability compared to traditional RPC-based services as there is no clear causal relationship between events; a change in one object indirectly effects changes in other objects, posing challenges to understanding and troubleshooting the system. Past attempts of tracing in Kubernetes were either limited to single components or excessively intrusive to individual components.

Kelemetry addresses the problem by associating events of related objects into the same trace. By recognizing object relations such as OwnerReferences, related events can be visualized together without prior domain-specific knowledge. The behavior of various components are recorded on the same timeline to reconstruct the causal hierarchy of the actual events.


graph TB
    audit-log[Audit log] --> kelemetry
    event[Event] --> kelemetry
    watch[Object watch] --> kelemetry
    kelemetry ---> |OpenTelemetry protocol| storage[Jaeger storage]
    plugin[Kelemetry storage plugin] --> storage
    user[User] --> ui[Jaeger UI] --> plugin

Getting started


Code of Conduct

See Code of Conduct.



Kelemetry is licensed under Apache License 2.0.