Kubevious Rules Library
This repository represents a library of rules for Kubevious CLI project to validate errors (typos, conflicts, misconfigurations) and violations of compliance and security best practices in Kubernetes and related cloud-native projects.
Kubevious rules are expressed in a domain-specific language called Kubik.
Library Contents
Total Rules: 36
- 📂 ISTIO (1)
- 📂 K8S/HPA (1)
- 📂 K8S/INGRESS (5)
- 📂 K8S/POD-SPEC (4)
- 📂 K8S/RBAC (2)
- 📂 K8S/SERVICE (1)
- 📂 K8S/WORKLOAD (1)
- 📂 KONG (2)
📜 Validate Argo Rollout to Analysis Template reference.
- 🏷️ argo 🏷️ rollout 🏷️ analysis 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate CertManager Certificate to Issuer reference.
- 🏷️ cert-manager 🏷️ certificate 🏷️ issuer 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Ingress to CertManager Issuer reference.
- 🏷️ cert-manager 🏷️ ingress 🏷️ issuer 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate GCP Config Connector SQL Database to Instance reference.
- 🏷️ gcp-config-connector 🏷️ sql-database 🏷️ sql-instance 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate GCP Config Connector SQL User to Instance reference.
- 🏷️ gcp-config-connector 🏷️ sql-user 🏷️ sql-instance 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate GCP Config Connector SQL User to Password Secret reference.
- 🏷️ gcp-config-connector 🏷️ sql-user 🏷️ secret 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Istio VirtualService to IstioGateway reference.
- 🏷️ istio 🏷️ virtual-service 🏷️ istio-gateway 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate ContainerSpec environment variable ConfigMap reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ environment-variable 🏷️ config-map 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate ContainerSpec envFrom variables projection ConfigMap reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ environment-variable 🏷️ config-map 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate ContainerSpec envFrom variables projection Secret reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ environment-variable 🏷️ secret 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate ContainerSpec environment variable Secret reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ environment-variable 🏷️ secret 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate ContainerSpec image to have non latest tag.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ image 🏷️ latest
📜 Validate ContainerSpec resource requests to be less or equal to the limits.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ resources 🏷️ cpu 🏷️ memory 🏷️ request 🏷️ limit
📜 Validate ContainerSpec volume mount to PodSpec volume reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ container 🏷️ volume 🏷️ volume-mount 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Gateway to Certificate Secret reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ gateway-api 🏷️ gateway 🏷️ certificate 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Gateway to GatewayClass reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ gateway-api 🏷️ gateway 🏷️ gateway-class 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Gateway to have unique listeners.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ gateway-api 🏷️ gateway 🏷️ unique-listeners
📜 Validate HTTPRoute to Backend reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ gateway-api 🏷️ http-route 🏷️ backend 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate HTTPRoute to Gateway reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ gateway-api 🏷️ http-route 🏷️ gateway 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate HorizontalPodAutoscaler to scale target reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ hpa 🏷️ target 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Ingress (extension) to Service reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ ingress 🏷️ ingress-extension 🏷️ service 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Ingress to Service reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ ingress 🏷️ service 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Ingress TLS and rule domain match.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ ingress 🏷️ ingress-extension 🏷️ tls 🏷️ domain
📜 Validate Ingresses to have unique routing rules.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ ingress 🏷️ ingress-extension 🏷️ unique-route
📜 Validate IngressClasses to have at most only one default.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ ingress-class 🏷️ unique-default
📜 Validate NetworkPolicy to PodSpec reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ network-policy 🏷️ pod-spec 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate PodSpec to ServiceAccount reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ pod-spec 🏷️ service-account 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate PodSpec volume mount ConfigMap reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ pod-spec 🏷️ config-map 🏷️ volume 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate PodSpec volume mount PersistentVolumeClaim reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ pod-spec 🏷️ pvc 🏷️ volume 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate PodSpec volume mount Secret reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ pod-spec 🏷️ secret 🏷️ volume 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding to Role and ClusterRole reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ rbac 🏷️ binding 🏷️ role 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate RoleBinding and ClusterRoleBinding to ServiceAccount subject reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ rbac 🏷️ binding 🏷️ service-account 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Service to PodSpec label selector reference.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ service 🏷️ pod-spec 🏷️ reference
📜 Checks Deployments to have min/max replicas - with or without HPAs.
- 🏷️ k8s 🏷️ deployment 🏷️ replica-count
📜 Validate KongConsumer to Credential Secret reference.
- 🏷️ kong 🏷️ consumer 🏷️ credential 🏷️ secret 🏷️ reference
📜 Validate Ingress and Service to Kong Plugin reference
- 🏷️ kong 🏷️ ingress 🏷️ service 🏷️ plugin 🏷️ reference
To submit your rules to the library follow the steps:
- Find the right place for the rule under root directory.
- Index the library using:
$ kubevious index-library .
- Submit a pull request.