

NFS Ganesha server and external provisioner

nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner is an out-of-tree dynamic provisioner for Kubernetes 1.14+. You can use it to quickly & easily deploy shared storage that works almost anywhere. Or it can help you write your own out-of-tree dynamic provisioner by serving as an example implementation of the requirements detailed in the proposal.

It works just like in-tree dynamic provisioners: a StorageClass object can specify an instance of nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner to be its provisioner like it specifies in-tree provisioners such as GCE or AWS. Then, the instance of nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner will watch for PersistentVolumeClaims that ask for the StorageClass and automatically create NFS-backed PersistentVolumes for them. For more information on how dynamic provisioning works, see the docs or this blog post.

Note: This repository was migrated from https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/external-storage/tree/HEAD/nfs. Some of the following instructions will be updated once the build and release automtion is setup. To test container image built from this repository, you will have to build and push the nfs-provisioner image using the following instructions.

make build
make container
# `nfs-provisioner:latest` will be created. 
# To upload this to your customer registry, say `gcr.io/myorg`, you can use
# docker tag nfs-provisioner:latest gcr.io/myorg/nfs-provisioner:latest
# docker push gcr.io/myorg/nfs-provisioner:latest


Choose some volume for your nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner instance to store its state & data in and mount the volume at /export in deploy/kubernetes/deployment.yaml. It doesn't have to be a hostPath volume, it can e.g. be a PVC. Note that the volume must have a supported file system on it: any local filesystem on Linux is supported & NFS is not supported.

    - name: export-volume
      mountPath: /export
  - name: export-volume
      path: /tmp/nfs-provisioner

Choose a provisioner name for a StorageClass to specify and set it in deploy/kubernetes/deployment.yaml

  - "-provisioner=example.com/nfs"

Create the deployment.

$ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/deployment.yaml
serviceaccount/nfs-provisioner created
service "nfs-provisioner" created
deployment "nfs-provisioner" created

Create ClusterRole, ClusterRoleBinding, Role and RoleBinding (this is necessary if you use RBAC authorization on your cluster, which is the default for newer kubernetes versions).

$ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/rbac.yaml
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/nfs-provisioner-runner created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/run-nfs-provisioner created
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/leader-locking-nfs-provisioner created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/leader-locking-nfs-provisioner created

Create a StorageClass named "example-nfs" with provisioner: example.com/nfs.

$ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/class.yaml
storageclass "example-nfs" created

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim with storageClassName: example-nfs.

$ kubectl create -f deploy/kubernetes/claim.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim "nfs" created

A PersistentVolume is provisioned for the PersistentVolumeClaim. Now the claim can be consumed by some pod(s) and the backing NFS storage read from or written to.

$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                       CAPACITY   ACCESSMODES   RECLAIMPOLICY   STATUS      CLAIM         REASON    AGE
pvc-dce84888-7a9d-11e6-b1ee-5254001e0c1b   1Mi        RWX           Delete          Bound       default/nfs             23s

Deleting the PersistentVolumeClaim will cause the provisioner to delete the PersistentVolume and its data.

Deleting the provisioner deployment will cause any outstanding PersistentVolumes to become unusable for as long as the provisioner is gone.


To deploy nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner on a Kubernetes cluster see Deployment.

To use nfs-ganesha-server-and-external-provisioner once it is deployed see Usage.


Releases done here in external-storage will not have corresponding git tags (external-storage's git tags are reserved for versioning the library), so to keep track of releases check this README, the changelog, or GCR

Writing your own

Go here for an example of how to write your own out-of-tree dynamic provisioner.


The source code in this repository was migrated from kubernetes-incubator/external-storage. We are yet to complete the following migration tasks.

This is still alpha/experimental and will change to reflect the out-of-tree dynamic provisioner proposal

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