


The KubeMQ SDK for C# enables C# developers to seamlessly communicate with the KubeMQ server, implementing various communication patterns such as Events, EventStore, Commands, Queries, and Queues.

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The KubeMQ SDK for C# is available as a NuGet package. You can install it using the following command:

dotnet add package KubeMQ.SDK.csharp

Running Examples

The examples are standalone projects that showcase the usage of the SDK. To run the examples, ensure you have a running instance of KubeMQ.

SDK Overview

The SDK implements all communication patterns available through the KubeMQ server:

KubeMQ Client Configuration

All KubeMQ clients (PubSubClient, QueuesClient, and CQClient) share the same configuration parameters. To create any client instance, you need to use the respective builder with at least two mandatory parameters: address (KubeMQ server address) and clientId.

Configuration Parameters

The table below describes all available configuration parameters:

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
AddressstringThe address of the KubeMQ server.NoneYes
ClientIdstringThe client ID used for authentication.NoneYes
AuthTokenstringThe authorization token for secure communication.NoneNo
TlsTlsConfigEnable or disable TLS for secure communication.falseNo
MaxSendSizeintThe maximum size of the messages to send (in bytes).104857600 (100MB)No
MaxReceiveSizeintThe maximum size of the messages to receive (in bytes).104857600 (100MB)No
ReconnectIntervalSecondsintThe interval in seconds between reconnection attempts.5No

TLS Configuration

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
EnabledboolEnable or disable TLS for secure communication.falseNo
CertFilestringThe path to the TLS certificate file.NoneNo (Yes if tls is true)
KeyFilestringThe path to the TLS key file.NoneNo (Yes if tls is true)
CaFilestringThe path to the TLS CA file.NoneNo (Yes if tls is true)

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to create a client instance (using PubSubClient as an example):

static async Task<CommandsClient> CreateCommandsClient()
            Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
                SetTls( new TlsConfig().
                    SetCertFile("path to cert file").
                    SetKeyFile("path to key file").
                    SetCaFile("path to ca file"));
            CommandsClient client = new CommandsClient();
            Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
            if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
                throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
            return client;

Result Object

In many cases, the SDK methods return a Result object. The Result object is a simple class that contains two attributes: IsSuccess and ErrorMessage. It is used to indicate the success or failure of an operation and to provide an error message in case of failure.

PubSub Events Operations

Create Channel

Create a new Events channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to createNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<EventsClient> CreateEventsClient()
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
        EventsClient client = new EventsClient();
        Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
        if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
            throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        return client;
static async Task CreateEventsChannel()
    EventsClient client =await CreateEventsClient();
    Result result = await client.Create("events_1");
    if (!result.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not create events channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
    Console.WriteLine("Eventss Channel Created");
    await client.Close();

Delete Channel

Delete an existing Events channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to deleteNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<EventsClient> CreateEventsClient()
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
        EventsClient client = new EventsClient();
        Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
        if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
            throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        return client;
static async Task DeleteEventsChannel()
        EventsClient client =await CreateEventsClient();
        Result result = await client.Delete("events_1");
        if (!result.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete events channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
        Console.WriteLine("Eventss Channel Deleted");
        await client.Close();

List Channels

Retrieve a list of Events channels.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
searchQuerystringSearch query to filter channels (optional)NoneNo


Returns a ListPubSubAsyncResult where each PubSubChannel has the following attributes:

NamestringThe name of the Pub/Sub channel.
TypestringThe type of the Pub/Sub channel.
LastActivitylongThe timestamp of the last activity on the channel, represented in milliseconds since epoch.
IsActivebooleanIndicates whether the channel is active or not.
IncomingPubSubChannelThe statistics related to incoming messages for this channel.
OutgoingPubSubChannelThe statistics related to outgoing messages for this channel.


static async Task<EventsClient> CreateEventsClient()
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
        EventsClient client = new EventsClient();
        Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
        if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
            throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        return client;
static async Task ListEventsChannels()
        EventsClient client =await CreateEventsClient();
        ListPubSubAsyncResult listResult = await client.List();
        if (!listResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not list events channels, error:{listResult.ErrorMessage}");
        foreach (var channel in listResult.Channels)
        await client.Close();

Send & Subscribe Event

Send and subscribe to event messages.

Send Request: Event

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
IdStringUnique identifier for the event message.NoneNo
ChannelStringThe channel to which the event message is sent.NoneYes
MetadataStringMetadata associated with the event message.NoneNo
Bodybyte[]Body of the event message in bytes.Empty byte arrayNo
TagsMap<String, String>Tags associated with the event message as key-value pairs.Empty MapNo


Return Result object

Subscribe Request: EventsSubscription

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
ChannelStringThe channel to subscribe to.NoneYes
GroupStringThe group to subscribe with.NoneNo
ReceiveEventHandlerdelegate(EventMessageReceived)Callback function to be called when an event message is received.NoneYes
ErrorHandlerdelegate(Exception)Callback function to be called when an error occurs.NoneNo

Callback: EventMessageReceived Class Detail

IdstringThe unique identifier of the message.
FromClientIdstringThe ID of the client that sent the message.
TimestamplongThe timestamp when the message was received, in seconds
ChannelstringThe channel to which the message belongs.
MetadatastringThe metadata associated with the message.
Bodybyte[]The body of the message.
TagsMap<string, string>The tags associated with the message.


static async Task<EventsClient> CreateEventsClient()
        Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
        EventsClient client = new EventsClient();
        Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
        if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
            throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        return client;
static async Task SendSubscribe()
        EventsClient client =await CreateEventsClient();
        var subscription = new EventsSubscription()
            .SetOnReceiveEvent(receivedEvent =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Event Received: Id:{receivedEvent.Id}, Body:{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedEvent.Body)}");
            .SetOnError(exception =>
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {exception.Message}");
        Result subscribeResult =  client.Subscribe(subscription);
        if (!subscribeResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not subscribe to KubeMQ Server, error:{subscribeResult.ErrorMessage}");
        Event msg = new Event().SetChannel("e1").SetBody("hello kubemq - sending an event message"u8.ToArray());
        Result sendResult=  await client.Send(msg);
        if (!sendResult.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not send an event to KubeMQ Server, error:{sendResult.ErrorMessage}");
        await  client.Close ();

PubSub EventsStore Operations

Create Channel

Create a new EventsStore channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to createNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<EventsStoreClient> CreateEventsStoresClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      EventsStoreClient client = new EventsStoreClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task CreateEventsStoresChannel()
      EventsStoreClient client =await CreateEventsStoresClient();
      Result result = await client.Create("events_store_1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not create events-store channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("EventsStores Channel Created");
      await client.Close();

Delete Channel

Delete an existing EventsStore channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to deleteNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<EventsStoreClient> CreateEventsStoresClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      EventsStoreClient client = new EventsStoreClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task DeleteEventsStoresChannel()
        EventsStoreClient client =await CreateEventsStoresClient();
        Result result = await client.Delete("events_store_1");
        if (!result.IsSuccess)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete events-store channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
        Console.WriteLine("EventsStores Channel Deleted");
        await client.Close();

List Channels

Retrieve a list of EventsStore channels.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
searchQuerystringSearch query to filter channels (optional)NoneNo


Returns a ListPubSubAsyncResult where each PubSubChannel has the following attributes:

NamestringThe name of the Pub/Sub channel.
TypestringThe type of the Pub/Sub channel.
LastActivitylongThe timestamp of the last activity on the channel, represented in milliseconds since epoch.
IsActivebooleanIndicates whether the channel is active or not.
IncomingPubSubChannelThe statistics related to incoming messages for this channel.
OutgoingPubSubChannelThe statistics related to outgoing messages for this channel.


static async Task<EventsStoreClient> CreateEventsStoresClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      EventsStoreClient client = new EventsStoreClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task ListEventsStoresChannels()
      EventsStoreClient client =await CreateEventsStoresClient();
      ListPubSubAsyncResult listResult = await client.List();
      if (!listResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not list events-store channels, error:{listResult.ErrorMessage}");
      foreach (var channel in listResult.Channels)
      await client.Close();

Send & Subscribe EventStore

Send and subscribe to event messages.

Request: EventStore Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
IdStringUnique identifier for the event message.NoneNo
ChannelStringThe channel to which the event message is sent.NoneYes
MetadataStringMetadata associated with the event message.NoneNo
Bodybyte[]Body of the event message in bytes.Empty byte arrayNo
TagsMap<String, String>Tags associated with the event message as key-value pairs.Empty MapNo

Subscribe To EventsStore Messages

Subscribes to receive messages from an EventsStore channel.

Request: EventsStoreSubscription Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
ChannelstringThe channel to subscribe to.NoneYes
GroupstringThe group to subscribe with.NoneNo
ReceiveEventHandlerdelegate(EventStore)Callback function to be called when an event message is received.NoneYes
OnErrorCallbackdelegate(Exception)Callback function to be called when an error occurs.NoneNo
StartAtStartAtTypeType of EventsStore subscription (e.g., StartAtTime, StartAtSequence)NoneYes
StartAtTimeValuelongStart time for EventsStore subscription (if applicable)NoneConditional
StartAtSequenceValuelongStart sequence for EventsStore subscription (if applicable)NoneConditional

StartAtType Options

Undefined0Default value, should be explicitly set to a valid type before use
StartNewOnly1Start storing events from the point when the subscription is made
StartFromFirst2Start storing events from the first event available
StartFromLast3Start storing events from the last event available
StartAtSequence4Start storing events from a specific sequence number
StartAtTime5Start storing events from a specific point in time
StartAtTimeDelta6Start storing events from a specific time delta in seconds


static async Task<EventsStoreClient> CreateEventsStoresClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      EventsStoreClient client = new EventsStoreClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task SendSubscribe()
      EventsStoreClient client =await CreateEventsStoresClient();
      var subscription = new EventsStoreSubscription()
          .SetOnReceiveEvent(receivedEvent =>
              Console.WriteLine($"Event Store Received: Id:{receivedEvent.Id}, Body:{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedEvent.Body)}");
          .SetOnError(exception =>
              Console.WriteLine($"Error: {exception.Message}");
      Result subscribeResult =  client.Subscribe(subscription);
      if (!subscribeResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not subscribe to KubeMQ Server, error:{subscribeResult.ErrorMessage}");
      EventStore msg = new EventStore().SetChannel("es1").SetBody("hello kubemq - sending an event store message"u8.ToArray());
      Result sendResult=  await client.Send(msg);
      if (!sendResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not send an event to KubeMQ Server, error:{sendResult.ErrorMessage}");
      await  client.Close ();

Commands & Queries – Commands Operations

Create Channel

Create a new Command channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to createNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<CommandsClient> CreateCommandsClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().SetAddress("localhost:50000").SetClientId("Some-client-id");
      CommandsClient client = new CommandsClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
  static async Task CreateCommandsChannel()
      CommandsClient client =await CreateCommandsClient();
      Result result = await client.Create("command_1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not create commands channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("Commands Channel Created");
      await client.Close();

Delete Channel

Delete an existing Command channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to deleteNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<CommandsClient> CreateCommandsClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().SetAddress("localhost:50000").SetClientId("Some-client-id");
      CommandsClient client = new CommandsClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task DeleteCommandsChannel()
      CommandsClient client =await CreateCommandsClient();
      Result result = await client.Delete("command_1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete commands channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("Commands Channel Deleted");
      await client.Close();

List Channels

Retrieve a list of Command channels.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
searchstringstringSearch query to filter channels (optional)NoneNo


Returns a ListCqAsyncResult where each CQChannel has the following attributes:

NamestringThe name of the channel.
TypestringThe type of the channel.
LastActivitylongThe timestamp of the last activity on the channel
IsActivebooleanIndicates whether the channel is currently active
IncomingCQChannelStatistics about incoming messages to the channel
OutgoingCQChannelStatistics about outgoing messages from the channel


static async Task<CommandsClient> CreateCommandsClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().SetAddress("localhost:50000").SetClientId("Some-client-id");
      CommandsClient client = new CommandsClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task ListCommandsChannels()
      CommandsClient client =await CreateCommandsClient();
      ListCqAsyncResult listResult = await client.List();
      if (!listResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not list commands channels, error:{listResult.ErrorMessage}");
      foreach (var channel in listResult.Channels)
      await client.Close();

Send Receive Response Command

Send a command request to a Command channel.

Request: Command Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
IdstringThe ID of the command message.NoneYes
ChannelstringThe channel through which the command message will be sent.NoneYes
MetadatastringAdditional metadata associated with the command message.NoneNo
Bodybyte[]The body of the command message as bytes.Empty byte arrayNo
TagsMap<string, string>A dictionary of key-value pairs representing tags associated with the command message.Empty MapNo
TimeoutInSecondsintThe maximum time in seconds for waiting to response.NoneYes

Response: CommandResponse Class Attributes

CommandReceivedCommandMessageReceivedThe command message received in the response.
ClientIdstringThe client ID associated with the command response.
RequestIdstringThe unique request ID of the command response.
IsExecutedbooleanIndicates if the command has been executed.
TimestampTimestampThe timestamp when the command response was created.
ErrorstringThe error message if there was an error.

Subscribe To Commands

Subscribes to receive command messages from a Command channel.

Request: CommandsSubscription Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
ChannelstringThe channel for the subscription.NoneYes
GroupstringThe group associated with the subscription.NoneNo
ReceivedCommandHandlerdelegate(CommandMessageReceived)Callback function for receiving commands.NoneYes
ErrorHandlerdelegate(Exception)Callback function for error handling.NoneNo


static async Task<CommandsClient> CreateCommandsClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().SetAddress("localhost:50000").SetClientId("Some-client-id");
      CommandsClient client = new CommandsClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task SendReceiveResponse()
      CommandsClient client =await CreateCommandsClient();
      var subscription = new CommandsSubscription()
          .SetOnReceivedCommand(async receivedCommand =>
              Console.WriteLine($"Command Received: Id:{receivedCommand.Id}, Body:{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedCommand.Body)}");
              CommandResponse response = new CommandResponse()
              Result responseResult = await client.Response(response);
              if (!responseResult.IsSuccess)
                  Console.WriteLine($"Error sending response to KubeMQ, error:{responseResult.ErrorMessage}");
              Console.WriteLine($"Command Executed: Id:{receivedCommand.Id}");
          .SetOnError(exception =>
              Console.WriteLine($"Error: {exception.Message}");
      Result subscribeResult =  client.Subscribe(subscription);
      if (!subscribeResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not subscribe to KubeMQ Server, error:{subscribeResult.ErrorMessage}");
      Command msg = new Command()
          .SetBody("hello kubemq - sending a command message"u8.ToArray())
      CommandResponse sendResult=  await client.Send(msg);
      Console.WriteLine($"Command Response: {sendResult}");
      await  client.Close ();

Commands & Queries – Queries Operations

Create Channel

Create a new Query channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to createNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<QueriesClient> CreateQueriesClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      QueriesClient client = new QueriesClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
  static async Task CreateQueriesChannel()
      QueriesClient client =await CreateQueriesClient();
      Result result = await client.Create("query_1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not create queries channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("Queries Channel Created");
      await client.Close();

Delete Channel

Delete an existing Query channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to deleteNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<QueriesClient> CreateQueriesClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      QueriesClient client = new QueriesClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task DeleteQueriesChannel()
      QueriesClient client =await CreateQueriesClient();
      Result result = await client.Delete("query_1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete queries channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("Queries Channel Deleted");
      await client.Close();

List Channels

Retrieve a list of Query channels.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
searchstringstringSearch query to filter channels (optional)NoneNo


Returns a ListCqAsyncResult where each CQChannel has the following attributes:

NamestringThe name of the channel.
TypestringThe type of the channel.
LastActivitylongThe timestamp of the last activity on the channel
IsActivebooleanIndicates whether the channel is currently active
IncomingCQChannelStatistics about incoming messages to the channel
OutgoingCQChannelStatistics about outgoing messages from the channel


static async Task<QueriesClient> CreateQueriesClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      QueriesClient client = new QueriesClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task ListQueriesChannels()
      QueriesClient client =await CreateQueriesClient();
      ListCqAsyncResult listResult = await client.List();
      if (!listResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not list queries channels, error:{listResult.ErrorMessage}");
      foreach (var channel in listResult.Channels)
      await client.Close();

Send Receive Response Query

Send a query request to a Query channel.

Request: Query Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
IdstringThe ID of the command message.NoneYes
ChannelstringThe channel through which the command message will be sent.NoneYes
MetadatastringAdditional metadata associated with the command message.NoneNo
Bodybyte[]The body of the command message as bytes.Empty byte arrayNo
TagsMap<string, string>A dictionary of key-value pairs representing tags associated with the command message.Empty MapNo
TimeoutInSecondsintThe maximum time in seconds for waiting to response.NoneYes

Response: QueryResponse Class Attributes

CommandReceivedCommandMessageReceivedThe command message received in the response.
ClientIdstringThe client ID associated with the command response.
RequestIdstringThe unique request ID of the command response.
IsExecutedbooleanIndicates if the command has been executed.
TimestampTimestampThe timestamp when the command response was created.
ErrorstringThe error message if there was an error.
MetadatastringAdditional metadata associated with the response.
Bodybyte[]The body of the query response as bytes.

Subscribe To Commands

Subscribes to receive query messages from a Query channel.

Request: QueriesSubscription Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
ChannelstringThe channel for the subscription.NoneYes
GroupstringThe group associated with the subscription.NoneNo
ReceivedQueryHandlerdelegate(QueryMessageReceived)Callback function for receiving queries.NoneYes
ErrorHandlerdelegate(Exception)Callback function for error handling.NoneNo


static async Task<QueriesClient> CreateQueriesClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      QueriesClient client = new QueriesClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
static async Task SendReceiveResponse()
    QueriesClient client =await CreateQueriesClient();
    var subscription = new QueriesSubscription()
        .SetOnReceivedQuery(async receivedQuery =>
            Console.WriteLine($"Query Received: Id:{receivedQuery.Id}, Body:{Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receivedQuery.Body)}");
            QueryResponse response = new QueryResponse()
                .SetBody(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("query response"));
            Result responseResult = await client.Response(response);
            if (!responseResult.IsSuccess)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error sending response to KubeMQ, error:{responseResult.ErrorMessage}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Query Executed: Id:{receivedQuery.Id}");

        .SetOnError(exception =>
            Console.WriteLine($"Error: {exception.Message}");
      Result subscribeResult =  client.Subscribe(subscription);
      if (!subscribeResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not subscribe to KubeMQ Server, error:{subscribeResult.ErrorMessage}");
      Query msg = new Query()
          .SetBody("hello kubemq - sending a query message"u8.ToArray())
      QueryResponse sendResult=  await client.Send(msg);
      Console.WriteLine($"Query Response: {sendResult}");
      await  client.Close ();

Queues Operations

Create Channel

Create a new Queue channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to createNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
      Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
      QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
      Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
      if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
          throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
      return client;
  static async Task  CreateQueue()
      QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
      Result result = await client.Create("q1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not create queue channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("Queues Channel Created");
      await client.Close();

Delete Channel

Delete an existing Queue channel.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
channelNamestringName of the channel you want to deleteNoneYes


Return Result object


static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;
static async Task DeleteQueue()
      QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
      Result result = await client.Delete("q1");
      if (!result.IsSuccess)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not delete queues channel, error:{result.ErrorMessage}");
      Console.WriteLine("Queues Channel Deleted");
      await client.Close();

List Channels

Retrieve a list of Queue channels.

Request Parameters

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
searchstringstringSearch query to filter channels (optional)NoneNo


Returns a ListQueuesAsyncResult where each QueuesChannel has the following attributes:

NamestringThe name of the Pub/Sub channel.
TypestringThe type of the Pub/Sub channel.
LastActivitylongThe timestamp of the last activity on the channel, represented in milliseconds since epoch.
IsActivebooleanIndicates whether the channel is active or not.
IncomingPubSubChannelThe statistics related to incoming messages for this channel.
OutgoingPubSubChannelThe statistics related to outgoing messages for this channel.


static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;
static async Task ListQueues()
    QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
    ListQueuesAsyncResult listResult = await client.List();
    if (!listResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not list queues channels, error:{listResult.ErrorMessage}");
    foreach (var channel in listResult.Channels)
    await client.Close();

Send / Receive Queue Messages

Send and receive messages from a Queue channel.

Send Request: QueueMessage

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
IdStringThe unique identifier for the message.NoneNo
ChannelStringThe channel of the message.NoneYes
MetadataStringThe metadata associated with the message.NoneNo
Bodybyte[]The body of the message.new byte[0]No
TagsMap<String, String>The tags associated with the message.new HashMap<>()No
PolicyQueueMessagePolicyThe policy associated with the message.NoneNo

Policy Options

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
DelaySecondsintThe delay in seconds before the message becomes available in the queue.NoneNo
ExpirationSecondsintThe expiration time in seconds for the message.NoneNo
MaxReceiveCountintThe number of receive attempts allowed for the message before it is moved to the dead letter queue.NoneNo
MaxReceiveQueueStringThe dead letter queue where the message will be moved after reaching the maximum receive attempts.NoneNo

Send Queue Message

Send a message to a Queue channel.

Request: QueueMessage Class Attributes

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
idstringThe unique identifier for the message.NoneNo
channelstringThe channel of the message.NoneYes
metadatastringThe metadata associated with the message.NoneNo
bodybyte[]The body of the message.new byte[0]No
tagsMap<string, string>The tags associated with the message.new HashMap<>()No
delayInSecondsintThe delay in seconds before the message becomes available in the queue.NoneNo
expirationInSecondsintThe expiration time in seconds for the message.NoneNo
attemptsBeforeDeadLetterQueueintThe number of receive attempts allowed for the message before it is moved to the dead letter queue.NoneNo
deadLetterQueuestringThe dead letter queue where the message will be moved after reaching the maximum receive attempts.NoneNo

Receive Request: PollRequest

NameTypeDescriptionDefault ValueMandatory
QueueStringThe channel to poll messages from.NoneYes
MaxItemsintThe maximum number of messages to poll.1No
WaitTimeoutintThe wait timeout in seconds for polling messages.60No
AutoAckbooleanIndicates if messages should be auto-acknowledged.falseNo
VisibilitySecondsintAdd a visibility timeout feature for messages.0No

Response: PollResponse

MessagesList<QueueMessage>The list of received queue messages.

Example #1

static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;
static async Task SendQueueMessage()
    QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
    Console.WriteLine("Sending queue message");
    Message msg= new Message()
        MessageID = "1",
        Queue ="send_receive_queue",
        Body = "hello kubemq - sending an queue message"u8.ToArray(),
        Tags = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                {"key1", "value1"},
                {"key2", "value2"} 
        Policy = new QueueMessagePolicy()
            DelaySeconds = 1,
            ExpirationSeconds = 10,
    SendResponse sendResult = await client.Send(msg);
    if (sendResult.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not send queue message, error:{sendResult.Error}");
    Console.WriteLine("Polling queue message");
    PollRequest pollRequest = new PollRequest()
        Queue = "send_receive_queue",
        WaitTimeout = 1000,
        MaxItems = 1,
    PollResponse response = await client.Poll(pollRequest);
    if (response.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not poll queue message, error:{response.Error}");
    // Acknowledge all messages
    // response.AckAll();
    // // Reject all messages
    // response.RejectAll();
    // // Requeue all messages
    // response.ReQueueAll("requeue");
    foreach (var receiveMsg in response.Messages)
        // Acknowledge the message
        // Reject the message
        // Requeue the message
    await client.Close();

Example #2

static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;
static async Task SendQueueMessageWithAutoAck()
    QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
    Console.WriteLine("Sending queue message");
    Message msg= new Message()
        MessageID = "1",
        Queue ="send_receive_queue_auto_ack",
        Body = "hello kubemq - sending an queue message"u8.ToArray(),
    SendResponse sendResult = await client.Send(msg);
    if (sendResult.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not send queue message, error:{sendResult.Error}");
    Console.WriteLine("Polling queue message");
    PollRequest pollRequest = new PollRequest()
        Queue = "send_receive_queue",
        WaitTimeout = 1000,
        MaxItems = 1,
        AutoAck = true,
    PollResponse response = await client.Poll(pollRequest);
    if (response.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not poll queue message, error:{response.Error}");
    foreach (var receiveMsg in response.Messages)
    await client.Close();

Example #3

static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;

static async Task SendQueueMessageWithDeadLetterQueue()
    QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
    Console.WriteLine("Sending queue message");
    Message msg= new Message()
        MessageID = "1",
        Queue ="send_receive_queue_dlq",
        Body = "Message with Deadletter Queue"u8.ToArray(),
        Policy = new QueueMessagePolicy()
            MaxReceiveCount = 3,
            MaxReceiveQueue = "dlq",
    SendResponse sendResult = await client.Send(msg);
    if (sendResult.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not send queue message, error:{sendResult.Error}");
    Console.WriteLine("Polling queue message and reject it, break when no message to poll");
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        PollRequest pollRequest = new PollRequest()
            Queue = "send_receive_queue_dlq",
            WaitTimeout = 1000,
            MaxItems = 1,
        PollResponse response = await client.Poll(pollRequest);
        if (response.Error != null)
            Console.WriteLine($"Could not poll queue message, error:{response.Error}");
        if (response.Messages.Count == 0)
        foreach (var receiveMsg in response.Messages)
            Console.WriteLine($"Message received: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receiveMsg.Body)}, Receiving count: {receiveMsg.Attributes.ReceiveCount}, rejecting message");
            // Reject the message
    Console.WriteLine("Polling dlq queue for rejected messages");
    PollRequest dlqPollRequest = new PollRequest()
        Queue = "dlq",
        WaitTimeout = 1000,
        MaxItems = 1,
    PollResponse dlqResponse = await client.Poll(dlqPollRequest);
    if (dlqResponse.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not poll dlq queue message, error:{dlqResponse.Error}");
    foreach (var receiveMsg in dlqResponse.Messages)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message received from dlq: {Encoding.UTF8.GetString(receiveMsg.Body)}");

Example #4

static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;

static async Task SendQueueMessageWithVisibility()
    QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
    Console.WriteLine("Sending queue message");
    Message msg= new Message()
        MessageID = "1",
        Queue ="send_receive_visibility",
        Body = "Message with visbility"u8.ToArray(),
    SendResponse sendResult = await client.Send(msg);
    if (sendResult.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not send queue message, error:{sendResult.Error}");
    Console.WriteLine("Polling queue message with visibility");
    PollRequest pollRequest = new PollRequest()
        Queue = "send_receive_visibility",
        WaitTimeout = 1000,
        MaxItems = 1,
        VisibilitySeconds = 3,

    PollResponse response = await client.Poll(pollRequest);
    if (response.Error != null)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not poll queue message, error:{response.Error}");
    foreach (var receiveMsg in response.Messages)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message received, doing some work");
        Console.WriteLine($"Message processed, need more time to ack, extending visibility by 5 seconds");
        Console.WriteLine($"Do some more work for 2 seconds");
        Console.WriteLine($"Ack the message");
    await client.Close();

Example #5

static async Task<QueuesClient> CreateQueuesClient()
    Configuration cfg = new Configuration().
    QueuesClient client = new QueuesClient();
    Result connectResult = await client.Connect(cfg,new CancellationTokenSource().Token);
    if (!connectResult.IsSuccess)
        Console.WriteLine($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
        throw new Exception($"Could not connect to KubeMQ Server, error:{connectResult.ErrorMessage}");
    return client;

static async Task SendQueueMessageWithVisibilityExpiration()
      QueuesClient client = await CreateQueuesClient();
      Console.WriteLine("Sending queue message");
      Message msg= new Message()
          MessageID = "1",
          Queue ="send_receive_visibility",
          Body = "Message with visbility"u8.ToArray(),
      SendResponse sendResult = await client.Send(msg);
      if (sendResult.Error != null)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not send queue message, error:{sendResult.Error}");
      Console.WriteLine("Polling queue message with visibility");
      PollRequest pollRequest = new PollRequest()
          Queue = "send_receive_visibility",
          WaitTimeout = 1000,
          MaxItems = 1,
          VisibilitySeconds = 3
      PollResponse response = await client.Poll(pollRequest);
      if (response.Error != null)
          Console.WriteLine($"Could not poll queue message, error:{response.Error}");
      foreach (var receiveMsg in response.Messages)
          Console.WriteLine($"Message received, doing some work for 4 seconds");
      await client.Close();