

Statistical Rethinking (2nd Edition) with Tensorflow Probability

This repository provides jupyter notebooks that port various R code fragments found in the chapters of Statistical Rethinking 2nd Edition by Professor Richard McElreath to python using tensorflow probability framework.

Note - These notebooks are based on the 8th December 2019 draft. I will update the notebooks once the book is released.

Misc Notes


If you prefer the readonly view of notebooks (html pages) then use this link - https://ksachdeva.github.io/rethinking-tensorflow-probability/

If you want to run the notebooks locally -

# install the requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
# install jupyter in your virtual environment
pip install -r requirements-extra.txt
# do the dev setup (as some common code resides in rethinking module)
pip install -e .

If you prefer to run the notebooks in binder then click here Binder

Clicking on the links will open the notebooks in Google Colab <img src="https://www.tensorflow.org/images/colab_logo_32px.png"/>


My immense gratitude goes to Professor Richard McElreath for writing such a wonderful book. His method of teaching has made somewhat difficult subject of Bayesian Statistics approachable, interesting and to some extent fun as well. We need more educators like you Sir !.

Another person I want to thank is Du Phan (https://github.com/fehiepsi). He is the main author of Numpyro, a great framework to do Bayesian Analysis. He has ported Statsical Rethinking (2nd Ed) to Numpyro and his notebooks were not only insipirational but were also of great help to me in creating graphs. I borrowed most of his code fragments when it came to plotting the figures using matplotlib.