


OpenSSL CocoaPods, Carthage and Swift Package Manager package for iOS, macOS, Catalyst, tvOS, visionOS, watchOS. A complete solution to OpenSSL. The package comes with precompiled libraries and includes a script to build newer versions if necessary.

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Apple says: "Although OpenSSL is commonly used in the open source community, OpenSSL does not provide a stable API from version to version. For this reason, although OS X provides OpenSSL libraries, the OpenSSL libraries in OS X are deprecated, and OpenSSL has never been provided as part of iOS."



You don't have to use the pre-built binaries I provide. You can build it locally on your trusted machine.

$ git clone https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/OpenSSL.git
$ cd OpenSSL
$ make SIGNING_IDENTITY="Apple Distribution"

The result of a build process is put inside Frameworks directory.

Swift Package Manager

I advised you to use OpenSSL-Package which is a pure binary distribution that distribute the very same binary but avoid fetching this git repository which is significant in size.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/OpenSSL-Package.git", from: "3.3.2000")

and then as a dependency for the Package target utilizing OpenSSL:

    name: "MyApp",
    dependencies: [
        .product(name: "OpenSSL", package: "OpenSSL-Package")


pod 'OpenSSL-Universal'


binary "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krzyzanowskim/OpenSSL/main/OpenSSL.json"


Marcin Krzyżanowski

FAQ etc.

Where can I use OpenSSL-Universal?

These libraries work for iOS, macOS, appleTV, visionOS, watchOS. It is your prerogative to check. Ask yourself, are you trying to write an app for old devices? new devices only? all iOS devices? only macOS?, etc ::

What is XCFramework?

OpenSSL.xcframework is distributed as a multiplatform XCFramework bundle, for more information checkout the documentation Distributing Binary Frameworks as Swift Packages