



Thank you Charles. 2020-04-20.

Important note 2018-06-06

For the last couple of years, @carlashley and @krypted have maintained this together. Unfortunately @carlashley is stepping away for personal reasons. The fork on his git repo will be closed on 2018-06-30 permanently.

What does it do?

Assets such as iOS/tvOS/watchOS/Mac App Store apps/OS X Installers/Combo Updates are cached through the detected or provided Caching Server. If an asset is not currently in cache, it is downloaded; if the asset is in the cache, then the asset is skipped. A progress indicator provides feedback on how much of the download is left.


Requires Python 2.7.10 or newer.

Current macOS Installers (public releases)

Note macOS Installers from the Mac App Store are not scraped from an XML feed, instead they have to be updated each time a new release or dot release comes out.

Combo software updates for:

Current Mac App Store apps (public releases)


  1. git clone https://github.com/krypted/precache
  2. Make sure precache.py is executable: chmod +x precache.py
  3. Copy precache.py to /usr/local/bin
  4. Set ownership: sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/bin/precache.py
  5. See precache.py --help for usage


usage: precache.py [-h] [--cache-group <product name> [<product name> ...]]
                   [--cache-ipsw-group <product name> [<product name> ...]]
                   [-cs http://cacheserver:port] [--debug] [-n]
                   [--filter-group <product name> [<product name> ...]]
                   [-i model [model ...]] [-l] [-m model [model ...]]
                   [-o file path]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cache-group <product name> [<product name> ...]
                        Cache assets based on group
  --cache-ipsw-group <product name> [<product name> ...]
                        Cache IPSW based on group
  -cs, --cache-server http://cacheserver:port
                        Specify the cache server to use.
  --debug               Debug mode - increased log verbosity.
  -n, --dry-run         Shows what would be cached.
  --filter-group <product name> [<product name> ...]
                        Filter based on group
  -i, --ipsw model [model ...]
                        Cache IPSW for provided model/s.
  -l, --list            Lists all assets available for caching.
  -m, --model model [model ...]
                        Provide model(s)/app(s), i.e iPhone8,2 Xcode.
  -o, --output file path
                        Path to save IPSW files to.
                        Indicates a Jamf Pro server or cloud instance URL to pull a list of unique models from. e.g. --jamfserver=myjss
                        Provide a username to access your server or cloud instance. e.g. --jamfuser=admin
                        Provide the password for the user of the Jamf Pro server or cloud instance. e.g. --jamfpassword=mypassword

Sample output

[user@valkyrie]: # precache.py --cache-group installer --cache-ipsw-group iPod -i iPhone8,2 -o ~/Desktop/ipsw/
Caching Server:
Processing feeds. This may take a few moments.
Skipped: ElCapitan (10.11.6) - in cache
Skipped: Sierra (10.12.1) - in cache
Caching: iPod5,1 (9.3.5) [100.00% of 1.50GB]
Caching: iPod7,1 (10.1) [100.00% of 2.03GB]
Skipped: iPhone8,2 (10.1) - in cache

How it works

  1. The script will first attempt to use AssetCacheLocatorUtil (macOS 10.12 or newer) to force the local machine to find the Caching Server for its network
  2. The script then checks to see if the machine is a Caching Server, and if it is, uses the relevant URL and port
  3. If the machine isn't a Caching Server, then it checks to see if the machine knows where the Caching Server for its network is located, and if it finds this, uses the relevant URL and port
  4. If this fails, it falls back to http://localhost:49672
  5. When initalised, a test confirms that the caching server can be accessed. If not, the script exits.
  1. Files are downloaded through the Caching Server; if the asset is already in the cache, it is skipped. Only IPSW files are kept
  1. Logs are written out to /tmp/precache.log

Suggested Use

In some environments, it may be desirable to run this as a LaunchDaemon on a Caching server in order to keep particular assets available. To do this, you could use a basic LaunchDaemon that runs once a day. The example below has the precache.py tool located in /usr/local/bin and is set to get the OTA updates for an iPhone8,2 and iPad6,7; it runs on a Wednesday at 19:00.

A copy of this plist is included in this repo, simply place it in /Library/LaunchDaemons and precache.py in /usr/local/bin.

Using the LaunchDaemon

  1. Copy the LaunchDaemon to /Library/LaunchDaemons
  2. Change the ownership: chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.krypted.precache.plist
  3. Change the permissions: chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.krypted.precache.plist
  4. Modify the LaunchDaemon file to suit your needs
  1. Make sure the precache.py script is in the correct location and with the correct permissions
  2. Load the LaunchDaemon: sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.github.krypted.precache.plist

If you want to change the day/s when this runs, you can simply change the integer values for Weekday to any combination of days, such as 246. This will run on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

To change the time, simply change the integer values for Hour and Minute - use 24hr time.

Further StartCalendarInterval reading: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3570979/whats-the-difference-between-day-and-weekday-in-launchd-startcalendarinterv


You could alternatively use outset with a script that calls precache.py with relevant flags.

Outset is available from https://github.com/chilcote/outset