

<br/> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui"> <img src=".assets/logo.png" alt="ShapeShift logo" width="250" /> </a> </p> <h1 align="center">ShapeShift️</h1> <div align="center"> A Kotlin/Java library for intelligent object mapping and conversion between objects. <br/> <br/>

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ShapeShift is a Kotlin first object mapping library. We have built ShapeShift because we wanted a simple to use, minimal boiler plate mapping engine, that is also flexible and supports the most advanced use cases.

Built with Kotlin in mind, ShapeShift was designed around its ecosystem and best practices. The library has 2 main tools for mapping:

ShapeShift main features:

<p align="center"> <img src=".assets/mapping.png" alt="ShapeShift object mapping" style="max-width: 800px;" /> </p>


To learn how to get started with ShapeShift, visit the official documentation website. You'll find in-depth documentation, tips and guides to help you get up and running.

<p> <a href="https://shapeshift.krud.dev/"> <img alt="Visit ShapeShift documentation" src=".assets/documentation.png" width="240" /> </a> </p>






Groovy DSL

implementation 'dev.krud:shapeshift:0.8.0'

Kotlin DSL




Kotlin DSL

// Source Class
data class Source(
    val firstName: String,
    val lastName: String,
    val birthDate: LocalDate

// Target Class
data class Target(
    var firstName: String = "",
    var lastName: String = "",
    var birthYear: Int = 0

fun main() {
     * Initialize ShapeShift with a mapping definition from From to To
    val shapeShift = ShapeShiftBuilder()
        .withMapping<Source, Target> {
            // Map firstName
            Source::firstName mappedTo Target::firstName
            // Map lastName
            Source::lastName mappedTo Target::lastName
            // Map birthDate to birthYear with a transformation function
            Source::birthDate mappedTo Target::birthYear withTransformer { (originalValue) ->

    // Initialize Source
    val source = Source("John", "Doe", LocalDate.of(1980, 1, 1))
    // Perform the mapping
    val result = shapeShift.map<Source, Target>(source)
    // Returns: To(firstName=John, lastName=Doe, birthYear=1980)

Kotlin Annotation

// Source Class
data class Source(
    val firstName: String,
    val lastName: String,
    @MappedField(mapTo = "birthYear", transformer = LocalDateToYearTransformer::class)
    val birthDate: LocalDate

// Target Class
data class Target(
    var firstName: String = "",
    var lastName: String = "",
    var birthYear: Int = 0

// Define the transformer which will transform the local date to a year
class LocalDateToYearTransformer : MappingTransformer<LocalDate, Int> {
    override fun transform(context: MappingTransformerContext<out LocalDate>): Int? {
        return context.originalValue?.year

fun main() {
     * Initialize ShapeShift and register the transformer
    val shapeShift = ShapeShiftBuilder()

    // Initialize Source
    val source = Source("John", "Doe", LocalDate.of(1980, 1, 1))
    // Perform the mapping
    val result = shapeShift.map<Source, Target>(source)
    // Returns: To(firstName=John, lastName=Doe, birthYear=1980)


Java Builder

// Source.java
class Source {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private LocalDate birthDate;

    // Constructor
    // Getters
    // Setters
    // ToString

// Target.java
class Target {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private int birthYear;

    // Constructor
    // Getters
    // Setters
    // ToString

// Example.java
class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         * Initialize ShapeShift with a mapping definition from From to To
        ShapeShift shapeShift = new ShapeShiftBuilder()
                        new MappingDefinitionBuilder(Source.class, Target.class)
                                // Map firstName
                                .mapField("firstName", "firstName")
                                // Map lastName
                                .mapField("lastName", "lastName")
                                // Map birthDate to birthYear with a transformation function
                                .mapField("birthDate", "birthYear").withTransformer(ctx -> ((LocalDate) ctx.getOriginalValue()).getYear())
        // Initialize Source
        Source source = new Source("John", "Doe", LocalDate.of(1980, 1, 1));
        // Perform the mapping
        Target result = shapeShift.map(source, Target.class);
        // Returns: To(firstName=John, lastName=Doe, birthYear=1980)

Java Annotation

// Source.java
class Source {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    @MappedField(mapTo = "birthYear", transformer = LocalDateToYearTransformer.class)
    private LocalDate birthDate;

    // Constructor
    // Getters
    // Setters
    // ToString

// Target.java
class Target {
    private String firstName;
    private String lastName;
    private int birthYear;

    // Constructor
    // Getters
    // Setters
    // ToString

// Define the transformer which will transform the local date to a year
// LocalDateToYearTransformer.java
class LocalDateToYearTransformer implements MappingTransformer<LocalDate, Integer> {
    public Integer transform(MappingTransformerContext<? extends LocalDate> context) {
        return context.getOriginalValue().getYear();
// Example.java
class Example {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         * Initialize ShapeShift
        ShapeShift shapeShift = new ShapeShiftBuilder()
                .withTransformer(LocalDate.class, Integer.class, new LocalDateToYearTransformer())
        // Initialize Source
        Source source = new Source("John", "Doe", LocalDate.of(1980, 1, 1));
        // Perform the mapping
        Target result = shapeShift.map(source, Target.class);
        // Returns: To(firstName=John, lastName=Doe, birthYear=1980)


The example directory contains several independent scenarios for common use cases of this library.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. See CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.


ShapeShift is licensed under the MIT license. For more information, please see the LICENSE file.