

Introduction | API Reference

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Slim library for fitting and resizing boxes.


For slimfit, a box is anything that has dimension:

  1. DOM Element
  2. Array [width, height]
  3. Any Object with fields width and height.
  4. Function that returns any of the above.


1. Fit one box into another box with Fitter

const fitter = new Fitter(fitOptions)

import { Fitter } from 'slimfit';

// For basic fitting
const fitter = new Fitter({
  mode: 'basic', // if mode is not specified, use 'basic' by default
  width: '100%', // (optional) 100% of container
  height: 100    // (optional) 100 pixels

// To maintain aspect ratio of the content
const fitter2 = new Fitter({
  mode: 'aspectRatio',
  ratio: 16/9,
  maxWidth: 1600, // (optional)
  maxHeight: 900  // (optional)

The fields width, height, maxWidth and maxHeight in fitOptions can be:

const result = fitter.fit(content, container)

Then you can compute how to fit content box into a container box. This fit() function returns an Object with two fields: changed and dimension. Note that this function DOES NOT RESIZE content for you. It only tells you if you need to resize and if so, what new size should the content be.

// 1) Box can be DOM element
const result = fitter.fit(
// result = { changed: true/false, dimension }
// 2) Box can be any Object with field width and height
const result = fitter.fit(
  { width: 100, height: 200},
  { width: 400, height: 400}
// result = { changed: true/false, dimension }
// 3) Box can be a dimension array: [width, height]
const result = fitter.fit(
// result = { changed: true/false, dimension }
// 4) Also support getter function that returns any of the above
const result = fitter.fit(
  () => [100,200],
  () => [400,400]
// result = { changed: true/false, dimension }

2. Watch for box size change and gets notification with Watcher.

One repetitive task for making responsive component is to watch for size changes.

const watcher = new Watcher(watchOptions)

import { Watcher } from 'slimfit';

const watcher = new Watcher({
  mode: 'window',
  target: null,
  interval: 500
.on('change', dimension => {
  // do something

watcher.on(name, listener)

Add event listener

watcher.off(name, listener)

Remove event listener


Start the watcher


Stop the watcher

3. Watch for box size change and only notifies if need to resize again to fit.

Now if you want to fit one box into another box and also make sure to do again that if anything was resized, FitWatcher is your solution. Again, note that it does not resize the box for you. It only notifies that you need to resize and what the new dimension should be.

new FitWatcher(content, container, fitOptions, watchOptions)

The arguments fitOptions uses the same specification explained in Fitter while watchOptions uses the specification from Watcher.

import { FitWatcher } from 'slimfit';

const fitWatcher = new FitWatcher(
.on('change', dimension => {
  // do something

fitWatcher.on(name, listener)

Add event listener

fitWatcher.off(name, listener)

Remove event listener


Start the watcher


Stop the watcher


npm install slimfit --save


bower install slimfit --save

Import into your project

Choice 1. Global

Adding this library via <script> tag is the simplest way. By doing this, slimfit is available in the global scope.

<script src="bower_components/slimfit/dist/slimfit.min.js"></script>
Choice 2: ES6 Import
import { Fitter, Watcher, FitWatcher } from 'slimfit';
Choice 3: AMD

If you use requirejs, this library support AMD out of the box.

  paths: {
    'slimfit': 'path/to/slimfit'
require(['slimfit'], function(slimfit) {
  // do something with slimfit
Choice 4: node.js / browserify

This library also supports usage in commonjs style.

var slimfit = require('slimfit');
// do something with slimfit


© 2016 Krist Wongsuphasawat (@kristw) Apache-2.0 License