

What is apophnia

Apophnia is a dedicated image server protocol. This is designed to solve all of the common image serving problems that are a pain to deal with for anyone that has to deal with a lot of images.

This is not intended to serve HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, or any other kind of document. It just serves images.

Image Serving Problems

What apophnia tries to achieve:

What an apophnia request looks like


Supported Directives

Proposed Directives


h4. Chaining

Directives can of course be chained. If you have a file, say, a 2000x2000 file, myfile.bmp then you can do myfile_r1000x1000_o250x250p250p250_q50.png Here's the steps:

As you can see, the first time the image is served, it is quite expensive. But now another client will request the same image: GET /myfile_r1000x1000_o250x250p250p250_q50.png HTTP/1.1

Much better the second time around, eh?

Configuration File

The config file is called apophnia.conf and is in "JSON":http://www.json.org/ format.


There is a protocol (discussed above) and implementations (discussed below). The following implementations exist:

<!-- * PHP/ImageMagick/(Your choice)-->

Implementations intend to achieve the following goals:

C Implementation

Supported Options

Proposed Options