

Gun edge

Extra DSL extensions for Gun.js

Many of the snippets were extracted from Gun Snippets 0.3.x and upgraded to work with Gun +0.6

Some extra chain methods have been added, such as mapReduce and iterator.

Most async methods now come with a ES6 Promises or async/await (ES7) variant. The Promise methods are prefixed with $.


As of version 0.8.x, not all of the chain methods have been fully tested yet. Please help test them out and/or add more tests. Thanks.


npm i -S gun-edge


Assuming Babel or similar transpiler setup (2017)

To add all chain methods:

import Gun from 'gun/gun'
import chain from 'gun-edge'

To control which chain methods to add:

import {
} from 'gun-edge'
add(Gun, 'date', 'fields')

Import individual chain modules

import {
} from 'gun-edge/edge/inspect'

Require (Node.js)

Using require

const Gun = require('gun/gun')

API extensions

Chain methods available:



Promise enabled methods

ES6 Promise or ES7 async/await), always prefixed with $

Observable streams for superior Async flow control

Observable methods are also (currently) prefixed with $

Observable stream support is included for:

Example: Rx.js

// optional
let options = {
  log: true,
  op: 'live'

// or simply $rx(node) or even node.$rx()
let obs = $rx(node, options)

let subscription = obs
  .subscribe(x => {
    console.log({received: x})

Useful internal Gun functions

Gun.obj.copy(val) - copy a value Gun.obj.map(data, function(val, field){ ... } - map over a node Gun.fn.is - check if something is a function Gun.text.random() - generate random text Gun.is.node.soul(data) - test if data has a soul (ie. is a Gun node) Gun.node.soul(data) - return id of Gun node

Please add more internal Gun functions to this list for reference ;)

Useful chain methods

node.back() - go one level back/up in the graph


CSP Channels: WIP

CSP channel also included :)

The main idea is outlined here

CSP learning resources:

To start a process just pass a generator as a parameter to the go function. By using the yield keyword, you can pause a process, freeing the main thread Channels are queues. Whenever a process calls take on a channel, it pauses until a value is put into that channel.

Processes that put a value on a channel also pause until some other process uses take. Because channels are queues, when a process takes from a channel, the value will not be available for other processes to take. One process puts, one process takes. A channel can be buffered, which means that, for a given number of puts, a put will not make the process pause.

If the channel has a buffer of size 2, the third put will block the process, until someone takes from it.

See the test/channel/ folder for some test examples:

let size = 2
let buffer = csp.buffers.fixed(size)
// let buffer = csp.buffers.sliding(size)
// let buffer = csp.buffers.dropping(size)
// const promiseCh = csp.promiseChan();

// NOTE: optionally customize channel and buffer used
// let promiseCh = csp.chan(buffer)

promiseCh = $csp(node, {
  // channel: promiseCh, // will use fixed(2) buffer by default
  // log: true,
  op: 'live',
  // only put on channel when node value has a num field
  condition: (val) => val.num

  logging: true,
  cb: resolve

let num = 0
let condition = () => num < 5

// Please help improved this!!!
csp.go(function* () {
  while (condition()) {
    const value = yield csp.take(promiseCh)
    console.log('value', value)


See full mapReduce guide



The project includes a gulpfile configured to use Babel 6. All /src files are compiled to /dist including source maps.


Run Tests

npm test or simply ava test


The /examples folder will at some point include some example projects, including a web page (with live reload)


For playing around...


Various ideas sketched out in /docs


MIT Kristian Mandrup