

Aurelia installer

The missing brother of Aurelia CLI

All automated and provided as a CLI for your Aurelia workflows!


npm i aurelia-installer -g


App layout



Vendor library


Coming soon Installer commands will effect only in current/designated app when you have multiple sub-apps!


We recommend that you first run ai init to initialize your installer preferences (stored in installer.json).

App config and layouts

ai app

Define app layout preferences:

Generating app layouts


Please contribute your own favorite app layouts!

Select app to work on

Switch which application you are working on:

This will effect where components are created, mounted and unmounted


A component is an application entity. Typically it consists of at least a ViewModel with an optional View associated. The component can also have dependencies to external modules and 3rd party libraries.

Components are meant as a larger entities than elements, which are primitives, like molecule vs. atom. A component can contain other components and elements! Each component lives in its own folder for clean separation.

Components are designed to make it trivial to share and reuse common application functionality across projects or within the Aurelia community. No more fudging around with complex configuration. The component is made ready to go! Components are the modular keystones for Aurelia apps!

Please see how to structure an aurelia application

Components can be globalised for use as a custom element, by using globalResources via features.

export function configure(config) {
  config.globalResources('markdown/markdown', './disco-light', .. );

See making custom element global

Mounting components

You should mount application components directly into your application on a given mount path which coresponds to a route (section of your app). Unmounted components by convention live in src/components.

Component management

aurelia-installer can manage the creation, installation and application bundling of components! The installer keeps track of your components in installer.json. This registry is also used to later uninstall or find the location of a component by name if needed.

Sample component

contact-detail is a sample component

A component should have an install.json which tells the installer how to install its dependencies:

  "bundles": [
  "dependencies": [
      "name": "bootstrap",
      "path": "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist",
      "main": "js/bootstrap.min",
      "deps": ["jquery"],
      "exports": "$",
      "resources": [
  "typings": [

Note: You can also add a "prepend" section, for dependencies to be prepended to the bundle.

Unmounted component example

General purpose components such as 'large-modalthat are reused in multiple parts of your app remain unmounted and live insrc/components`.


We use the index convention to signify the main entry point of the component.

Mounted under contacts

Components specific to a particular domain should be mounted in that domain, such as contacts


Install component from repo

Download a component from a git repo directly into your application mount path

ai install kristianmandrup/contact-detail contacts

Repo formats available see here

If you have run ai init and set a default git account, the installer will assume this account by default. This means you can just write the name of your component repo to install it!

ai install contact-detail - MAGIC!

After installing a component you need to bundle it with the app.

Bundle component(s)

ai bundle (all) or ai bundle contact-detail

This will merge the component dependencies with app dependencies in a crafty manner! It will also install any typings required for TypeScript.


ai uninstall contact-detail

Removes the component from your app!

Note: You can then unbundle component dependencies if needed.

Bundle vendor library

ai library :list - to list registered vendor bundles

ai library bootstrap - install bootstrap library

Will lookup the specified vendor library in registry/vendor-libs.json by name. If an entry is found, will add this to vendor bundle entries in aurelia.json

Please update registry/vendor-libs.json with your favorite vendor library bundle specs.

Install plugin

ai plugin :list - to list registered plugins

ai plugin validation

Supported plugins: All the official and 3rd party plugins listed here

There is also some support for more customized install procedures, such as for auth and materialize plugins via custom installer classes. Please provide configurations for your own plugins ;)

Please update registry/plugins.json with your favorite auelia plugins.


Install TypeScript d.ts file(s) for a vendor library.

ai typings :list - list registered typing installs

ai typings nprogress - install typings for nprogress

Uses registry/typings.json for custom definitions which can't be installed for Aurelia by name via standard typings. If no typings install is registered, it will by default try to install from DefinitelyTyped repo:

typings install dt~<name> --global such as typings install dt~bootstrap --global

Note: This command will abort unless you have typescript defined as your transpiler in aurelia.json

Please update the registry/typings.json with more typings install locations ;)

Coming soon

Planned features coming soon...

Dependency check/management

Many components will share a subset of dependencies while depending on unique libs for their own particular behavior. Imagine a set of components all using bootstrap, but with different behavior, perhaps using different jquery plugins but sharing dependency on jquery etc. The developer should not be left to sort out and maintain this dependency hell! Component dependency management to the rescue!

How it could work

We need to monitor which installed components are bundled in installer.json (ie. bundled: true). We should also have an autoBundling: true setting. When we unbundle dependency libs of a component, we could iterate all installed components for their dependencies and check for overlaps. Then only unbundle libs with no overlaps.

Git enabled workflow

The ai init should ask if git workflow should be enabled. If gitWorkflow: true in installer.json, each install command will be finalized with its own commit unless there is an error.


First link module globally:

npm link

Then continue development and test commands in an test Aurelia project.
