

<!-- markdownlint-disable-next-line --> <div align="center"><img height="100px" width="100px" src="https://github.com/krshoss/gardevoir/raw/main/.github/assets/gardevoir.png"><br><h1>The Modern CSS Reset 🚀</h5></div>

🤓 Benefits

❓ Why do I use a css reset

There are many inconsistencies between browsers. Like Firefox 3 has a margin on top of paragraphs but Internet Explorer 7 doesn't have any margin. There are thousands of browsers with hundreds of versions. Each version at least has 500+ inconsistencies with different browsers' different versions. How to keep up? This is an easy to use solution called Gardevoir

Browser Inconsistencies

🆚 There are other resets, why Gardevoir?

Basic elemental stylesPartial
Size (by bundle phobia)Compile with SassGitHub file size in bytesGitHub file size in bytesGitHub file size in bytes
Minified versionCompile with Sass❌ (Minify yourself)❌(Minify yourself)❌(Minify yourself)
Box sizing
Browser supportCustomizableLast 3 versionsLast 3 versionsUnknown

🚀 Get It Running Quick

  1. Create A HTML File

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Gardevoir Quick Start</title>
        <h1>Gardevoir Quick Start</h1>
          Hey fella! Don't forget to change the title text an remove this
          paragraph and the heading
  2. Call Gardevoir

    <!-- To be placed in the head tag -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gardevoir" />
  3. Star this repository, if you like the project! It means a lot to the development team, Those stars a boosting happiness for our team

  4. How about reading a guide for best performance? Here's the link to optimizing Gardevoir for production

  5. Lastly you can view our wiki for best practices and performance guides

  6. 🥳 All Set Now

🌟 Installation

There are various ways to install Gardevoir. Like package managers, content delivery networks, local copies...

📦 Package Managers

💝 NPM Npm Downloads Npm Downloads

npm install gardevoir

🐱Yarn Yarn Downloads Npm Downloads

yarn add gardevoir

⚡ CDN CDN Hits CDN Hits

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gardevoir" />

✨ Usage

Gardevoir as said, is a zero-dependency project and excels in integrating with all kinds of usage options! These are a few easy guides for people to start

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/gardevoir.min.css" />


Make Sure To Link Your Custom Stylesheet After Gardevoir Else Your Custom Styles Might Not Be Implemented

🚅 Optimize

Note all of these guidelines are for static websites, frameworks like react have their own guide (please refer them)

❤ Thanks to our supporters

GitHub Stargazers