Petrol is a library to help you build ClojureScript webapps. It concentrates on being Functional, and if that leads to being Reactive, well, that's just fine too.
Documentation is on its way. In the meantime, my talk at ClojureExchange 2015 will tell you all you need to know.
Running the examples
cd examples
lein figwheel counter counter2 multicounter spotify hydra pages
Then open http://localhost:3449
Developing a standalone library is a bit of a pain. The solution I like is to use the library as an editable-dependency of the examples, like so:
cd examples
mkdir checkouts
ln -s .. checkouts/
lein figwheel
Now you should be able to edit the library, and the examples that demostrate its use, as one live project.
If you get this exception when running lein
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: Could not locate cljs/analyzer__init.class or cljs/analyzer.clj on classpath: , compiling:(figwheel_sidecar/utils.clj:1:1)
Try upgrading leiningen to version 2.5.3+
lein upgrade
With thanks to...
Copyright © 2015 Kris Jenkins
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.