

<img height="24" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/kriasoft/hyperapp-tools/master/logo.svg"> Hyperapp Tools

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Build automation tools for Hyperapp projects.


Getting Started

To create a new app, run a single command:

npm init hyperapp-starter

It will generate the initial project structure based on Hyperapp Starter inside the current directory and install the dependencies.

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

npm start <sub><sup>(hyperapp-tools start)</sup></sub>

Runs the app in the development mode with "live reload". Uses src/index.js and src/server.js files as entry points for client-side and server-side apps.

npm test <sub><sup>(hyperapp-tools test)</sup></sub>

Launches the test runner. It will look for test files with .test.js or .spec.js suffix. Also you can use any cli options which Jest supports.

npm run lint <sub><sup>(hyperapp-tools lint)</sup></sub>

Finds problematic patterns in code using ESLint and stylelint. Using --fix option you can automatically fix some of them and also format files using Prettier.

npm run build <sub><sup>(hyperapp-tools build)</sup></sub>

Builds the app for production to the build folder. It correctly bundles, optimizes and minifyes the build for the best performance and the filenames include the hashes for a long term caching. Using --render option you can generate html files for a static site hosting.

Environment Variables

You can adjust various development and production settings by setting environment variables in your shell. To define permanent environment variables, create a file called .env in the root of your project:

# The host the app should bind to. By default binds to localhost.
HOST = ""

# The port the app should listen on. From 0 to 65535 inclusive.
# If port is omitted or is 0, the operating system will assign an arbitrary unused port.
PORT = 0

# Open the default system browser during the development server startup.
# Use the favorite application name or "none" to disable disable it completely.

# The base path for all the static files within the application in production mode.
# Examples: "https://cdn.example.com/", "/base/path/" or "" for relative urls.


Hyperapp Tools are MIT licensed. See LICENSE.