


An interpretter for Edwin Brady's and Chris Morris's Whitespace esoteric programming language. Also included is a utility for converting easy-to-read English commands into Whitespace code, for ease of coding. :)

Written in Python3.

whitespace.py Usage

whitespace.py - execute a program in the Whitespace programming language

usage: whitespace.py [--debug | --describe] filename
usage: whitespace.py [--debug | --describe] -
usage: whitespace.py [--debug | --describe] --test
usage: whitespace.py --help

  filename                An input file containing Whitespace code.
  -                       Get the Whitespace source from STDIN (overrides filename)
  --test                  Runs unit tests (overrides filename and -)
  --debug                 Turns on verbose debugging
  --describe              Describes the given Whitespace code.  Does not execute the program.
  --help                  Prints this help info

mkws.py Usage

mkws.py - convert an easy-to-read program into Whitespace code.

usage: mkws.py - | filename

  filename                An input file containing readable source code.
  -                       Get the source code from STDIN (overrides filename)
  --help                  Prints this help info

Test Programs

I've included several test programs that I found on the internet. Some work, some don't. As far as I can tell, this is what they are supposed to do.