

<div align="center"><img src="./_assets/logo.jpg" /></div> <h1 align="center">Octomments</h1> <h3 align="center">Using GitHub issues as a comment plugin.</h3> <p align="center"><a href="https://ocs.now.sh/">https://ocs.now.sh</a></p>

What is Octomments


Because I wanted:

How to use it

  1. Go here and install the Octomments GitHub App on the repo that will host your comments.

  2. Add these two files on your page:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/octomments/build/ocs-ui.min.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/octomments/build/ocs.min.js"></script>
  1. Then you drop the following JavaScript:
    github: {
      owner: '<username>',
      repo: '<repo name>',
    issueNumber: <issue number>,
    renderer: [OctommentsRenderer, '<selector>']

<username> is your GitHub's username. <repo name> is the repo where you are going to host your comments. <issue number> is the number of the GitHub issue that this particular page is associated with. And <selector> is a valid DOM element selector (the place where Octomments will load the widget).

How it works

Listing of comments

When Octomments initializes it requests GitHub's v3 API based on the passed options. It gets the issue behind the provided number and its comments. The requests to GitHub's API have certain limits. If the user is not logged in he/she can make up to 60 requests per hour. That's of course not so much and if the user reaches the limit a request to ocs.now.sh/ is made. The API there is authorized to make up to 5000 requests per hour. Of course these 5000 requests are shared between all the people using the library. If you think that your users will hit the 60 requests limit I strongly recommend to spin up your own Octomments server. More about that here. It's not a big deal.

Adding new comment

Your users need to be authenticated in order to post new comments. The library offers a free endpoint which helps getting a GitHub auth token. There is an endpoint at ocs.now.sh which implements GitHub's web application authentication mechanism. The users will authenticate the Octomments app to make a comment on their behalf. That same app have to be installed on the repo which you are going to use as a host of your comments. You'll see that during installation but I'll mention it here - the app has only read/write access to the issues of your repo.

If you want to have your company logo/name to appear when the user is asked to grant access you need to create your own GitHub app. In this case you have to spin up your own Octomments server. Again more about that here.


Octomments is highly customizable. It's built of three separate modules:

ocs.min.js file is a bundle that contains the core client and the renderer. Together with ocs-ui.min.css you have all you need to start using the library. Here is a list of all the files:

Development locally

> yarn
> yarn dev

For the Octomments server you will need to create server/api/config.local.json file. Use server/api/config.example.json as a template and check the Server documentation to understand what is what.


Is Octomments creating the GitHub issues for me?

Nope. This is not happening automatically. You have two options. Either you create the issues manually or you run your own Octomments server. The server offers a protected endpoint that creates new issues.

What is the bare minimum to get Octomments on my page anyway?

The How to use it section above explains it well. You have to install the Octomments app on your repo. Then include two files on your page, pick a DOM element as a placeholder and run a few lines of JavaScript.

Can I use Octomments in my React/Vue/Angular/Svelt/<framework name here>?

Yes. There is octomments npm module. You it as a starting point and build the UI on top of it.

I don't like the UI. Can I make my own?

Sure you can. Use the core client as a base and build on top of it.

I want my own GitHub App when the user is authenticating?

You have to spin up your own Octomments server.