

MambaFormer In-context Learning

MambaFormer in-context learning experiments and implementation from https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.04248

Getting started

You can start by cloning our repository and following the steps below.

  1. Install the dependencies for our code using Conda.

    conda env create -f environment.yml
    conda activate mambaformer
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Then install mamba-ssm from our repo and the necessary requirements such as causal-conv1d. We use mamba-ssm v1.1.1 modified.

    pip install causal-conv1d==1.1.3.post1
    cd mamba/
    pip install -e .
    cd ../src


To train your own model, run the following command in the src/ directory.

# For standard 1GPU training
python train.py --config conf/linear_regression.yaml

# For data parallel training (only needed for many-outlier regression)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 python train_parallel.py --config conf/many_outlier_regression.yaml

In our code, we consider each Attention or Mamba block as 1 layer. So Mamba or MambaFormer with n_layer: 24 is roughly equivalent to gpt2 with n_layer: 12 in total parameters. We include sample linear_regression.yaml files for each architecture in src/conf.


The code is released under the Apache-2.0 License. See LICENSE for full terms. The generated data is subject to the model owner's policy.


Can Mamba Learn How to Learn? A Comparative Study on In-Context Learning Tasks

    title={Can Mamba Learn How to Learn? A Comparative Study on In-Context Learning Tasks},
    author={Park, Jongho and Park, Jaeseung and Xiong, Zheyang and Lee, Nayoung and Cho, Jaewoong and Oymak, Samet and Lee, Kangwook and Papailiopoulos, Dimitris},
    journal={International Conference on Machine Learning},