


A simple GTK Gopher/Gemini client written in Vala

Supported download protocols

Supported upload protocols

Noteworthy features

How to build/install?

Note: to build Fossil you need the following dependencies:

One-liner for Debian-based systems:

sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev valac meson cmake libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev python3 libjson-glib-dev libgnutls28-dev gettext

To build and install Fossil, run the install.sh script, which will automatically setup the build folder, run ninja, put the output in the projects root directory, copy the files for Fossil to your system and registers the protocol handler. You should then find a new entry in your application launcher. If you want to use the stable version checkout to the latest tag before compiling.

Packaged builds

Arch Linux

If you want to use Fossil on Arch Linux you can install the package fossil-gemini-git from the AUR.


Flatpaks are coming soon! If you want to write a flatpak manifest file for Fossil submit a pull request.
