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Utils for DJV Dynamic Json Schema Validator - useful api to use json-schema and djv tool. This package is a clone of jjv-utils. The difference is in using another core json schema validator. The version is synced with jjv-utils. The plan is to create common utils for json schema. So, in the future (> 1 year) this two packages will be replaced by general utils packages.


The build package contains packed djv module inside.


npm install djvu


Lets have an example - jsonSchema

jsonSchema = {
    "name": "test",
    "common": {
        "properties": {
            "type": {
                "enum": ["common"]
        "required": [

Utils will create an Djv env for further usage with a test (jsonSchema.name) namespace. If jsonSchema is not given as an argument - an environment will be created without any namespace.

djvuEnv = djvu(jsonSchema);

Use add to add json schema after initialization

djvuEnv.add('test1', jsonSchema);

Use is to validate an object by schema reference, like Djv validate method

commonObj = { type: 'common' };
djvuEnv.is('test#/common', commonObj) => true

Use generate to generate a function to compare conditions. Easy to use in each, find and other lodash iterable functions.

var testCommon = djvuEnv.generate('test#/common');
[commonObj].map(testCommon) => [true]

var testNotCommon = djvuEnv.generate('test#/common', true);
[commonObj].map(testNotCommon) => [false]

Use find to easy switch condition. Usable for cozy factory functions.

var references = {
    'test#/common': 1

djvuEnv.find(references, commonObj) => 1
djvuEnv.find(references, unknownObj) => undefined



npm test
