


Kubernetes networking labs for KubeCon EU 2020 talk

After cloning this repo, to follow along you either need to install:

Or have a working Vagrant + VirtualBox setup -- the Vagrantfile in this repo has the appropriate Docker+Footloose setup already in it.

Running Docker+Footloose natively is prefered for resource consumption reasons.

Once you are either SSH'd in to the Vagrant box (vagrant up && vagrant ssh) or have Docker+Footloose set up, you will probably need to become root to fully support Footloose (sudo -s, su -, or however you prefer). You need to be in the folder for this repo (mounted to /labs/ if you are in the Vagrant box).

Then to start the different environments, you can cd to the directory you want (flannel/ for k3s with Flannel or calico/ for k3s with Calico), then run ./bootstrap.sh (for the Flannel one) or ./bootstrap-calico.sh (for the Calico one) to start the k3s install.

Once the cluster is up, you can SSH in with either footloose ssh root@node0 (or node1, or node2) for the Flannel install or footloose -c footloose-calico.yaml ssh root@calico-node0 (or calico-node1, or calico-node2) for the Calico install.

For the Calico install, you bring up Calico with kubectl apply -f calico-k3s.yaml when on calico-node0.