

Open Visual Inertial Odometry (OVIO) Core

Current status

Work in progress. PCB have arrived for v1.0 of the board and bring-up has started.

Issues with v1.0 hardware (fixed in v1.1)

Images from the assembly and results here: https://twitter.com/korken89/status/1341126909485342721


Aim: A "low cost" Visual Inertial Odometry accelerator.

A project to try out different vision processing pipelines, for Visual Inertial Odometry (VIO), on the ECP5 FPGA. As far as I know, the open hardware landscape of VIO cameras is slim to non-existent. Especially for systems which perform a majority of the pre-processing in the camera.

Things such as image convolutions, FAST corners, multi-scale images, non-maximum suppression, image gradients, etc, are extremely well suited for FPGA implementation.

Why do it on a PC? Let it run the actual Kalman Filter / MHE / nonlinear optimizer, which the FPGA is not well suited for.

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Do you want one?

Previous projects has been made on Xilinx FPGAs, however the high cost of their FPGAs never allowed for trying to distribute a camera. Now it is expected that the hardware cost for this system should be sub 100 Euros, even with the largest ECP5 FPGA.

If there is interest for acquiring a camera, contact me (via any medium) and we'll figure something out.

Lenses and lens holder



This hardware is open source.

TODO: Find a proper license