


Airline in the vacuum of space

vacuumline is a prebuilt configuration for galaxyline based on the look and functionality of Airline. It can be further configured to style icons, colors, and segments.

<sub>full pane vacuumline</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline.png" alt="vacuumline"/>

<sub>split pane vacuumline showing inctive and active styling</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline-inactive.png" alt="vacuumline inactive"/>



The goal of vacuumline is just to expose a galaxyline configuration and thus requires galaxyline and its dependencies:


Plug 'konapun/vacuumline.nvim'
Plug 'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', {'branch': 'main'}
" One of the following is required for showing icons
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " lua
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' " vimscript

" Somewhere after plug#end()

lua require('vacuumline').setup()


use {'konapun/vacuumline.nvim', requires = {
  'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', branch = 'main',
  'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true
}, config = function() require('vacuumline').setup() end} -- Add this line to use defaults; otherwise, call `setup` with your config as described below wherever you configure your plugins

Want to try out beta features before they make it into master? Use branch next!

Caution: beta features are considered experimental and may introduce breaking changes.

use {'konapun/vacuumline.nvim', branch = 'next', requires = {
  'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', branch = 'main',
  'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true
}, config = function() require('vacuumline').setup() end} -- Add this line to use defaults; otherwise, call `setup` with your config as described below wherever you configure your plugins

Collapse Behavior

One of the big advantages of vacuumline over a standard galaxyline config is the builtin responsiveness:

<sub>uncollapsed vacuumline</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline-no_collapse.png" height="20px" alt="uncollapsed"/>

<sub>collapse level 1</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline-collapse1.png" height="20px" alt="collapse level 1"/>

<sub>collapse level 2</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline-collapse2.png" height="20px" alt="collapse level 2"/>

<sub>collapse level 3</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline-collapse3.png" height="20px" alt="collapse level 3"/>

<sub>collapse level 4</sub> <img src="./res/vacuumline-collapse4.png" height="20px" alt="collapse level 4"/>



For convenience, rather than configuring colors for each segment separately, you may want to apply a theme.

  theme = require('vacuumline.theme.nord')

Builtin Themes

The follow themes are built in. If you'd like to contribute a theme, please feel free to submit a PR.

Custom Theme

You can also use a custom theme:

  theme = {
    line             = {foreground = '#98971a', background = '#282828'},
    segment_odd      = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#b16286'},
    segment_even     = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#98971a'},
    mode_normal      = {foreground = '#b16286'},
    mode_insert      = {foreground = '#98971a'},
    mode_command     = {foreground = '#458588'},
    mode_visual      = {foreground = '#d79921'},
    mode_visual_line = {foreground = '#689d6a'},
    mode_terminal    = {foreground = '#cc241d'},
    warning          = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#fabd2f'},
    error            = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#fb4934'},
    scroll           = {foreground = '#d79921'}


Here is the full default configuration. Individual pieces are described in more depth below.

  separator = {
    segment = {
      left = '',
      right = ''
    section = {
      left = '',
      right = ''
  color = {
    foreground = {line = '#98971a', even = '#282828', odd = '#282828'},
    background = {line = '#282828', even = '#b16286', odd = '#98971a'},
  segment = {
    mode = {
      map = {
        n = {label = ' ', background = '#b16286'}, -- NORMAL
        i = {label = ' ', background = '#98971a'}, -- INSERT
        c = {label = ' ', background = '#458588'}, -- COMMAND
        v = {label = ' ', background = '#d79921'}, -- VISUAL
        V = {label = ' ', background = '#fabd2f'}, -- VISUAL LINE
        t = {label = ' ', background = '#d3869b'}, -- TERMINAL
    file = {},
    vcs = {},
    scroll = {
      accent = '#d79921',
    lines = {},
    diagnostics = {
      background = '#fb4934',
      errors = {
        foreground = '#282828',
        background = '#fb4934'
      warnings = {
        foreground = '#282828',
        background = '#fabd2f'
    search = {},
    lsp = {
      foreground = '#98971a',
      background = '#282828'

Global configurations

Global config values are used when no specific value is provided for a segment.

separator = {
  segment = {
    left = '',
    right = ''
  section = {
    left = '',
    right = ''
color = {
  foreground = {line = '#98971a', even = '#282828', odd = '#282828'},
  background = {line = '#282828', even = '#b16286', odd = '#98971a'},


Segment separators are used to separate segments, obviously.


These are colors which are applied to segments depending on their order in the vacuumline.



Displays the current vim mode as a color indicator and text/icon display

Collapse behavior: None

mode = {
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '', -- dynamic by default
  separator = '', -- dynamic by default
  map = {
    n = {label = ' ', background = '#b16286'}, -- NORMAL
    i = {label = ' ', background = '#98971a'}, -- INSERT
    c = {label = ' ', background = '#458588'}, -- COMMAND
    v = {label = ' ', background = '#d79921'}, -- VISUAL
    V = {label = ' ', background = '#fabd2f'}, -- VISUAL LINE
    t = {label = ' ', background = '#d3869b'}, -- TERMINAL


Displays an icon for the current filetype, the current file name, edit status, and file size

Collapse behavior:

file = {
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '', -- dynamic by default
  separator = '' -- dynamic by default


Displays current branch name along with additions, changes, and deletions

Collapse behavior:

vcs = {
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '', -- dynamic by default
  separator = '' -- dynamic by default


Displays current scroll position in the file as both percentage and visual indicator

Collapse behavior:

scroll = {
  accent = '', -- used to color the scroll indicator
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '', -- dynamic by default
  separator = '' -- dynamic by default


Displays current line and column along with line endings

Collapse behavior:

lines = {
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '', -- dynamic by default
  separator = '', -- dynamic by default
  section_separator = '', -- dynamic by default


Displays errors, warnings, and info from LSP diagnostics

Collapse behavior: None

diagnostics = {
  separator = '', -- dynamic by default
  errors = {
    foreground = '',
    background = ''
  warnings = {
    foreground = '',
    background = ''


Displays current search term, current match, and total matches

Collapse behavior: None

search = {
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '', -- dynamic by default
  separator = '' -- dynamic by default


Displays the active language server

Collapse behavior:

lsp = {
  foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
  background = '' -- dynamic by default


Using packer

Link your local vacuumline directory into your packer destination directory

cd <packer plugin directory> # ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start on my config
ln -s <local dev vacuumline> vacuumline.nvim