

EditorJS Unsplash Inline Image Tool

stability-stable Coverage Status OpenSSF Best Practices OpenSSF Scorecard

Image tool for Editor.js that enables you to embed images from Unsplash, blobs, or URLs directly into your content.


Requires a proxy for the Unsplash API to avoid exposing the Unsplash Access Key on the client-side. See Proxy for Unsplash API for more information.

Built following the Unsplash API Guidelines.

Extends the functionality of simple-image.


You can install the tool via npm or load it from a CDN.

Install via NPM

Get the package

$ npm i --save-dev editorjs-inline-image

Include module at your application

import InlineImage from 'editorjs-inline-image';

Load from CDN

You can load a specific version of the package from jsDelivr CDN.

Require this script on a page with Editor.js.

<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/editorjs-inline-image"></script>


Add a new Tool to the tools property of the Editor.js initial config.

const editor = EditorJS({
  tools: {
      image: {
        class: InlineImage,
        inlineToolbar: true,
        config: {
          embed: {
            display: true,
          unsplash: {
            appName: 'your_app_name',
            apiUrl: 'https://your-proxy-api-url.com',
            maxResults: 30,
            imageParams: {

Config Params

embed{display: boolean}You could display or not the embed tab, If you don't fill the embed config by default the value is set on true.
unsplash{appName: string, apiUrl: string, maxResults: Number, imageParams: Object}Config for Unsplash API. Contains 3 fields: <br><br> appName: Unsplash Application Name. <br><br> apiUrl: URL of the Proxy for Unsplash API. <br><br> maxResults: Max number of images per search (default 30). <br><br> imageParams: Additional configuration parameters for image quality and dimensions. See Dynamically resizable images for more information.

Tool's tunes

  1. Add border

  2. Stretch to full-width

  3. Add background

Output data

urlstringImage's url
captionstringImage's caption
withBorderbooleanAdd border to image
withBackgroundbooleanAdd background
stretchedbooleanStretch image to screen's width
unsplash{author: string, profileLink: string}Unsplash image author information. <br><br> author: Author's name. <br><br> profileLink: Unsplash porfile link.


    "type" : "image",
    "data" : {
        "url" : "https://www.example.com/image.jpg",
        "caption" : "An image",
        "withBorder" : false,
        "withBackground" : false,
        "stretched" : true

Unsplash image

  "type": "image",
  "data": {
    "url": "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "caption": "An image from Unsplash",
    "withBorder": false,
    "withBackground": true,
    "stretched": false,
    "unsplash": {
      "author": "John Doe",
      "profileLink": "https://unsplash.com/@john_doe_fake"


Development mode

$ yarn build:dev

Production release

  1. Create a production bundle
$ yarn build
  1. Commit dist/bundle.js

Run tests

$ yarn test

Code of conduct

We welcome everyone to contribute. Make sure you have read the CODE_OF_CONDUCT before.


For information on how to contribute, please refer to our CONTRIBUTING guide.


Features and bug fixes are listed in the CHANGELOG file.


This library is licensed under an MIT license. See LICENSE for details.


Made with 💙 by kommitters Open Source