

CI/CD sample for SPPP projects (classic SharePoint)

Azure DevOps continues integration sample

The sample shows a basic pipeline for build and publishing Front-End projects' assets to a SharePoint environment.

What's SPPP

Yeoman generator for SharePoint client-side applications. See more.

CI/CD Pipeline

Check pipeline. It contains some comments.

The sample shows the simplest git-flow pipeline:

The pipeline is job-based with a separation to CI and CD part.

CD demonstrates multi-environment deployment bound via matrix strategy.

Each matrix element represents an environment, every environment has separate authentication bindings via private.json variable containing multiline JSON, the same as used during local development.

Values like $(ci.sp.siteurl-env1) are environment variables. $(...) is the syntax to wrap a variable.

Configuring pipeline in DevOps portal

  1. Modify the matrix to represent environments
  2. Create new pipeline in Azure DevOps
  3. Add the repository as a source
  4. Use yml as the pipeline definition
  5. Create as many environment variables as needed, make sure Keep this value secret is toggled on