

OpenVPN with Scramblesuit and DNS server

This ansible script will allow you to install from scratch your own OpenVPN server with scramblesuit and private DNS server within minutes. Level of knowledge required: basic

There is no bul**hit, no unnecessary clunky software, it's based on OpenBSD, simple ansible playbook, easy as any kid can read. Once playbook finish, you have ready to use 2 archives with configs and all what is needed to connect to your VPN: one config is for Desktop Viscosity app and second for iPhone OpenVPN app (ovpn). You can easily create more keypairs/config for more users and adapt to your needs. Really simple, see below for usage.

UDP branch

If you do not care about paranoid privacy mode and internet speed is important to you, please check udp-noscrable branch. UDP branch uses same security measures as master branch but remove scramblesuit and use much faster UDP mode

WARNING: scramblesuit is currently not maintained, please use udp-noscrable instead. If you want to backport changes from udp-noscrable branch, please create pull request - should be fair easy.

Why ?

Because other solutions are crap. So called "private" VPNs that are sold are no private - you let unknown party to watch all your traffic, they sell it to Ad companies or do what they want with your data. It's really stupid and people are unaware of this. This playbook guarantee that your data on transit are safe, server do not store anything related with traffic or DNS queries, even in unlikely breach to your VPN server attacker won't be able to do anything that could harm your data (of course once you realize server was pwned). Read below why using VPN on your mobile and desktop is important.


I am using Easy-RSA 3 to setup PKI, it's easy to manage (see below). ECC keypairs use secp521r1 curve (which is perhaps overkill, and you can safely lower it to more efficient secp256k1), and RSA uses 2048 bit keys with SHA256 signatures.

Mobile connections uses DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA TLS1.2 for control channel and AES-256-CBC for data encryption, also HMAC is used for packets authentication.

Desktop connections use ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 TLS1.2 for control channel and AES-256-GCM for data encryption, in additions openvpn is configured to use tls-crypt with symmetric key for packet encryption and authentication.

Additionally desktop connections are wrapped with scramblesuit tunnel (part of Tor project) and although some say that's not needed when useing tls-crypt some think otherwise ;) ... anyway, this is how it is done here.

There are other settings that ensure connection is safe, like EKU, CA hash verification and others, see config for details.

Last thing on the list is DNS server that is setup with this playbook. It's Bind9 with DNSSEC resolver enabled. This ensures that your queries do not leak to other providers and you always use legacy (your own) DNS server. I do not use Google DNS or other crap caching servers like OpenDNS (who btw strip DNS records from DNSSEC signatures - which simply speaking can be seen as fraudulent itself...). You can verify DNS leaks on site like: https://www.dnsleaktest.com and on https://dnssec.vs.uni-due.de verify if DNSSEC resolver works as expected.

IPv6 Support (DualStack)

This playbook configures IPv6 as Dual-Stack setup - this means, if server supports IPv6 then you will be able to use IPv6 on your localhost. Although I am using DualStack since long time, this one is not well tested on OpenBSD by me. If you find any problems please report them in Issues section.

Exoscale will support IPv6 at the end of 2017, but you can use IPv6 and this playbook also on: Vultr (tested), Azure, AWS or any other cloud where OpenBSD 6.1 is.

My choose of cloud provider, apps and why

For this playbook I have chosen exoscale as cloud provider (but it will run on any OpenBSD you choose). Why exoscale? Because it's Swiss, it's independent from US influences and obey only Swiss law, also they are nice and simply to use. Also their prices are quite low - or comparable to others like DigitalOcean or AWS. Performance of the single CPU core is sufficient for OpenVPN in Micro instance do not use anything bigger than that as long as you do not use it for over 10 users.

If you are going to use exoscale please use my invite code ( gLrEOdv5hVgv ), or this link - you will get 50 CHF credit after second payment - that's amount that will let you use VPN server for free for next 5 months !!

For the desktop client side, i recommend using Viscosity VPN - no freebies here ;) - is it easy to use OpenVPN client that works on Windows and MacOS. It is well developed and uses recent openvpn client software.

If you are using iPhone, config is generated for free app OpenVPN Connect - only one legacy app. I assume there are some apps for Android as well but i do not have one so cannot recommend any...

Some cloud providers known to support OpenBSD

Here is list of cloud providers with support for OpenBSD:

How to use playbook

Below simple requirements to run your own VPN server


Steps to start your own OpenVPN server from ansible playbook:

get your configs, they are in

you can use: scp root@SERVER_IP:/etc/openvpn/export/archives/* . to copy config files all at once.

Once all is done, you can import above configs into your Viscosity app or/and iPhone OpenVPN app - no changes required all is already set.

Generating additional certificates for users

If more users are going to use OpenVPN then you need to generate new key-pairs (each for each user). This is simple to do and there are 2 ways of doing it:

on the server, go to: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/ and type:

./easyrsa --use-algo=rsa build-client-full privateVPN-Mobile-USERNAME nopass - for Mobile client, note that part "privateVPN-Mobile-" should be unchanged in certificate name, just add proper USERNAME (no spaces or crazy stuff here, just a-azA-Z). Mobile is a keyword used later by script.

./easyrsa --use-algo=ec --curve=secp521r1 build-client-full privateVPN-Desktop-USERNAME nopass - for Desktop client, note that part "privateVPN-Desktop-" should be unchanged in certificate name, just add proper USERNAME, same as above - no crazy characters. Desktop is a keyword, do not change it.

Note: as you can see private keys are generated without password, you can password-protect them by removing nopass option. You will be asked for password and this is recommended way of generating keypair. I use nopass just for the convenience of the playbook. Also, for god sake do not send keypairs via email or any other crazy way without properly encrypting them, best - set password on key and wrap up by some gpg.

Once you understood all, let's generate packages with config, easy like 1,2,3...: go to: /etc/openvpn/export/ and for each user run: ./gen_config.sh privateVPN-Desktop-USERNAME packages are put into archives/ folder. Copy to localhosts, share, install, enjoy.

You can also use this crazy loop to create packages for all issued certificates:

ls -all /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/pki/issued/privateVPN-* | cut -d/ -f 7 | cut -d. -f1 | while read cert; do ./gen_config.sh $cert; done

That's all.

Client Configuration

Desktop config creates IPv4: and IPv6: fdd5:b0c4:f9fb:fa1f::/6 network, access on port 80

Mobile config creates IPv4: and IPv6: fdd5:b0c4:f9fb:fa1e::/6 network, access on port 443

Known issues and workarounds

DNS stop working after when OpenVPN process is restarted

This happens because DNS server process lose bind after openvpn is stopped. To fix this, after restarting OpenVPN process, restart bind with command rcctl restart isc_named

Ansible fails after waiting for instance restart

Sometimes instance take longer then 2 minutes to restart after applying erratas. Just reply ansible command/playbook or if problem persist alter timeout in playbok in restart task



Legal Warning

Remember: This do not give you privacy in internet, this playbook was made primarily to make connection to the internet more safe - especially on mobile devices. Certainty using VPN do not give you right to break law - when you do - no VPN can save you - you will be found and prosecuted according to the law. Don't be stupid, think and do wise things. Be respectful for other people, do not be a jerk.

This doc is work-in-progress