

<img align="left" width="100" height="100" src="doc/libmprompt-logo.png"/>

<img style="float:right" align="right" src="https://dev.azure.com/Daan0324/libmprompt/_apis/build/status/koka-lang.libmprompt?branchName=main"/>


Note: The library is under development and not yet complete. This library should not be used in production code.
Latest release: v0.6.3, 2021-06-18.

A 64-bit C/C++ library that aims to implement robust and efficient multi-prompt delimited control.

The implementation is based on in-place growable light-weight gstacks (called gstacks) which use virtual memory to enable growing the gstack (up to 8MiB) but start out using just 4KiB of committed memory. The library is only available for 64-bit systems (currently Windows, Linux, macOS, and various BSD's) as smaller systems do not have enough virtual address space.

There are two libraries provided:

Particular aspects:

Enjoy, Daan Leijen and KC Sivaramakrishnan.



Tested on Linux (x64 and arm64), macOS (x64, arm64), Windows (x64), and freeBSD (x64).

Linux and macOS

We use cmake to build:

> mkdir -p out/debug    # or out/release
> cd out/debug
> cmake ../..
> make
> ctest .

This will build the libraries libmpromptx.a and libmpeffx.a, and run the tests.

Pass the option cmake ../.. -DMP_USE_C=ON to build the C versions of the libraries (but these do not handle- or propagate exceptions).


We use Visual Studio 2019 to develop the library -- open the solution in ide/vs2019/libmprompt.sln to build and test.


Some known issues are:

Libmprompt C Interface

// Types
typedef struct mp_prompt_s  mp_prompt_t;     // resumable "prompts"
typedef struct mp_resume_s  mp_resume_t;     // abstract resumption

// Function types
typedef void* (mp_start_fun_t)(mp_prompt_t*, void* arg); 
typedef void* (mp_yield_fun_t)(mp_resume_t*, void* arg);  

// Continue with `fun(p,arg)` under a fresh prompt `p`.
void* mp_prompt(mp_start_fun_t* fun, void* arg);

// Yield back up to a parent prompt `p` and run `fun(r,arg)` 
void* mp_yield(mp_prompt_t* p, mp_yield_fun_t* fun, void* arg);

// Resume back to the yield point with a result; can be used at most once.
void* mp_resume(mp_resume_t* resume, void* arg);
void* mp_resume_tail(mp_resume_t* resume, void* arg);
void  mp_resume_drop(mp_resume_t* resume);
// Multi-shot resumptions; use with care in combination with linear resources.
mp_resume_t* mp_resume_multi(mp_resume_t* r); // create a fresh multi-shot resumption
mp_resume_t* mp_resume_dup(mp_resume_t* r);   // increase ref-count on a multi-shot resumption

// Portable backtrace
int mp_backtrace(void** backtrace, int len);


A nice property of muli-prompts is that there is always a single strand of execution, together with suspended prompts. In contrast to lower level abstractions, like fibers, there is no arbitrary switching between stacks: one can only yield up to a parent prompt (capturing all gstacks up to that prompt) or resume a suspended prompt chain (and restoring all gstacks in that context). As a consequence, the active chain of prompts always form a logical stack and we can have natural propagation of exceptions with proper backtraces.

Here is an example of a backtrace on Linux:

<img src="doc/backtrace2.jpg" width=600px>

Here a breakpoint was set in code that was resumed where the backtrace continues into the main stack. This is quite nice for debugging compared to callback based programming for example.

Here is a backtrace in the Visual Studio debugger:

<img src="doc/backtrace3.jpg" width=600px>

(Unfortunately, on Windows, in rare cases a backtrace can still be cut short when libmprompt is unable to place a gstack at a lower address as its parent.)


The semantics of delimited multi-prompt control can be described precisely:


e ::= v              ; value
   |  e e            ; application
   |  yield m v      ; yield to a prompt identified by marker `m`
   |  prompt v       ; start a new prompt (passing its marker to `v`)
   |  @prompt m e    ; internal: a prompt frame identified by marker `m`

v ::= x              ; variables
   |  \x. e          ; function with parameter `x` (lambda expression)
   |  ...            ; integer constants, primitives (e.g. addition), etc.

Evaluation context:

E ::= []            ; hole
   |  E e           ; evaluate function first
   |  v E           ; and then the argument 
   |  @prompt m E   ; we can evaluate under a prompt frame

An evaluation context is an expression with a hole at the current point in the evalution. It essentially describes the stack+registers where the hole is the current instruction pointer. We can apply a context to an expression using square bracets E[x]; for example, (@prompt m (f (g [])))[x] becomes @prompt m (f (g x)).

Operational semantics:

              e ----> e'
(STEP)    -----------------
          E[e] |----> E[e']    

We can now keep evaluating inside an expression context using small step transitions:

(APP)      (\x. e) v                ---->  e[x := v]                ; beta-rule, application
(PROMPT)   prompt v                 ---->  @prompt m (v m)          ; install a new prompt with a fresh marker `m`
(RETURN)   @prompt m v              ---->  v                        ; returning a result discards the prompt frame
(YIELD)    @prompt m E[yield m f]   ---->  f (\x. @prompt m E[x])   ; yield to prompt frame `m`, capturing context `E`

Note how in (YIELD) we yield with a function f to a prompt m. This continues with executing f (popping the prompt) but with the argument \x. @prompt m E[x] which is the resumption function: calling it will restore the prompt and the original execution context E (!), and resume execution at the original yield location. For example:

       prompt (\x. 1 + yield x (\k. k 41))            
|----> @prompt m ((\x. 1 + yield x (\k. k 41)) m)     ; fresh marker `m`
|----> @prompt m (1 + yield m (\k. k 41))             ; note: `\k. k 41` is the function that is yielded up
==     @prompt m ((1 + [])[yield m (\k. k 41)])       ; yield back up to `m`, capturing E
|----> (\k. k 41) (\x. @prompt m (1 + [])[x])         ; continue with the function of the yield
|----> (\x. @prompt m (1 + [])[x]) 41                 ; resume by applying `k`
|----> @prompt m ((1 + [])[41])                       ; resumed to the yield with result 41
==     @prompt m (1 + 41)
|----> @prompt m 42
|----> 42

In the C implementation, the unique markers m are simply represented directly by a mp_prompt_t*. At runtime, yielding to a prompt that is not an ancestor (i.e. no longer in scope), is an error -- just like an unhandled exception. (Effect type systems, like in Koka, can prevent this situation statically at compile-time but in our library this is a runtime error).

These primitives are very expressive but can still be typed in in simply typed lambda calculus, and are sound and composable:

prompt :: (Marker a -> a) -> a               
yield  :: Marker a -> ((b -> a) -> a) -> b   

The action given to prompt gets a marker that has a type a, corresponding to the type of the current context a (the answer type). When yielding to a marker of type a, the yielded function has type (b -> a) -> a, and must return results of type a (corresponding to the marker context). Meanwhile, the passed in resumption function (b -> a) expects an argument of type b to resume back to the yield point. Such simple types cannot be given for example to any of shift/reset, call/cc, fibers, or co-routines, which is one aspect why we believe multi-prompt delimited control is preferable.

The growable gstacks are used to make capturing- and resuming evaluation contexts efficient. Each @prompt m frame sits on the top a gstack from which it can yield and resume in constant time. This can for example be used to create green thread scheduling, exceptions, iterators, async-await, etc.

For a more in-depth explanation of multi-prompt delimited control, see "Evidence Passing Semantics for Effect Handler", Ningning Xie and Daan Leijen, MSR-TR-2021-5 (pdf).

An implementation based on in-place growable stacks

Each prompt starts a growable gstack and executes from there. For example, we can have:

(gstack 1)              (gstack 2)              (gstack 3)

| @prompt A   |
|             |
| ...         |
| prompt <------------> |-------------|
|             |         | @prompt B   | 
.             .         |-------------|
.             .         |             |
.             .         | ...         |         
                        | prompt <------------> |------------|
                        .             .         | @prompt C  |
                        .             .         |------------|
                        .             .         | 1+         |
                                                | yield B f  |<<<
                                                .            .
                                                .            .

where <<< is the currently executing statement.

The yield B f can yield directly to prompt B by just switching stacks. The resumption r is also just captured as a pointer and execution continues with f(r): (rule (YIELD) with r = \x. @prompt B(... @prompt C. 1+[])[x])

(gstack 1)              (gstack 2)              (gstack 3)

| @prompt A   |
|             |
| ...         |         (suspended)
| resume_t* r ~~~~~~~~> |-------------|
| f(r)        |<<<      | @prompt B   | 
.             .         |-------------|
.             .         |             |
.             .         | ...         |         
                        | prompt <------------> |------------|
                        .             .         | @prompt C  |
                        .             .         |------------|
                        .             .         | 1+         |
                                                | []         |
                                                .            .
                                                .            .

Later we may want to resume the resumption r again with the result 42: (r(42))

(gstack 1)              (gstack 2)              (gstack 3)

| @prompt A   |
|             |
| ...         |         (suspended)
| resume_t* r ~~~~~~~~> |-------------|
|             |         | @prompt B   | 
| ...         |         |-------------|
| resume(r,42)|<<<      |             |
.             .         | ...         |         
.             .         | prompt <------------> |------------|
.             .         .             .         | @prompt C  |
                        .             .         |------------|
                        .             .         | 1+         |
                                                | []         |
                                                .            .

Note how we grew the gstack 1 without moving gstack 2 and 3. If we have just one stack, an implementation needs to copy and restore fragments of the stack (which is what libhandler does), but that leads to trouble in C and C++ where stack addresses can temporarily become invalid. With the in-place growable gstacks, objects on the stack are never moved and their addresses stay valid (in their lexical scope).

Again, we can just switch stacks to resume at the original yield location:

(gstack 1)              (gstack 2)              (gstack 3)

| @prompt A   |
|             |
| ...         |         
| resume_t* r ~~~~~+--> |-------------|
|             |    |    | @prompt B   | 
| ...         |    |    |-------------|
| resume <---------+    |             |   
|             |         | ...         |         
.             .         | prompt <------------> |------------|
.             .         .             .         | @prompt C  |
                        .             .         |------------|
                        .             .         | 1+         |
                                                | 42         |<<<
                                                .            .
                                                .            .

Suppose, gstack 3 now returns normally with a result 43:

(gstack 1)              (gstack 2)              (gstack 3)

| @prompt A   |
|             |
| ...         |         
| resume_t* r ~~~~~+--> |-------------|
|             |    |    | @prompt B   | 
| ...         |    |    |-------------|
| resume <---------+    |             |   
|             |         | ...         |         
.             .         | prompt <------------> |------------|
.             .         .             .         | @prompt C  |
                        .             .         |------------|
                        .             .         | 43         |<<<
                                                .            .
                                                .            .

Then the gstacks can unwind like a regular stack (this is also how exceptions are propagated): (rule (RETURN))

(gstack 1)              (gstack 2)              (gstack 3)

| @prompt A   |
|             |
| ...         |         
| resume_t* r ~~~~~+--> |-------------|
|             |    |    | @prompt B   | 
| ...         |    |    |-------------|
| resume <---------+    |             |   
|             |         | ...         |         
.             .         | 43          |<<<      (cached to reuse)
.             .         .             .         |------------|
                        .             .         |            |
                        .             .         |            |
                                                .            .
                                                .            .

See mprompt.c for the implementation of this.

An Example

Here is an example of running N "async" workers over M requests using resumptions as first-class values stored in the workers array:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <mprompt.h>

#define N 1000       // max active async workers
#define M 1000000    // total number of requests

static void* await_result(mp_resume_t* r, void* arg) {
  return r;  // instead of resuming ourselves, we return the resumption as a "suspended async computation" (A)

static void* async_worker(mp_prompt_t* parent, void* arg) {
  // start a fresh worker
  // ... do some work
  intptr_t partial_result = 0;
  // and await some request; we do this by yielding up to our prompt and running `await_result` (in the parent context!)
  mp_yield( parent, &await_result, NULL );
  // when we are resumed at some point, we do some more work 
  // ... do more work
  // and return with the result (B)
  return (void*)(partial_result);

static void async_workers(void) {
  mp_resume_t** workers = (mp_resume_t**)calloc(N,sizeof(mp_resume_t*));  // allocate array of N resumptions
  intptr_t count = 0;
  for( int i = 0; i < M+N; i++) {  // perform M connections
    int j = i % N;               // pick an active worker
    // if the worker is actively waiting (suspended), resume it
    if (workers[j] != NULL) {  
      count += (intptr_t)mp_resume(workers[j], NULL);  // (B)
      workers[j] = NULL;
    // and start a fresh worker and wait for its first yield (suspension). 
    // the worker returns its own resumption as a result.
    if (i < M) {
      workers[j] = (mp_resume_t*)mp_prompt( &async_worker, NULL );  // (A)
  printf("ran %zd workers\n", count);

int main() {
  return 0;

The libmpeff Interface

A small library on top of libmprompt that implements algebraic effect handlers. Effect handlers give more structure than basic multi-prompts and are a better abstraction for programming. In particular,

See effects.c for many examples of common effect patterns.

// handle an effect 
void* mpe_handle(const mpe_handlerdef_t* hdef, void* local, mpe_actionfun_t* body, void* arg);

// perform an operation
void* mpe_perform(mpe_optag_t optag, void* arg);

// resume from an operation clause (in a mp_handler_def_t)
void* mpe_resume(mpe_resume_t* resume, void* local, void* arg);
void* mpe_resume_final(mpe_resume_t* resume, void* local, void* arg);
void* mpe_resume_tail(mpe_resume_t* resume, void* local, void* arg); 
void  mpe_resume_release(mpe_resume_t* resume);

Handler definitions:

// An action executing under a handler
typedef void* (mpe_actionfun_t)(void* arg);

// A function than handles an operation receives a resumption
typedef void* (mpe_opfun_t)(mpe_resume_t* r, void* local, void* arg);

// Operation kinds can make resuming more efficient
typedef enum mpe_opkind_e {
} mpe_opkind_t;

// Operation definition
typedef struct mpe_operation_s {
  mpe_opkind_t opkind;  
  mpe_optag_t  optag;   
  mpe_opfun_t* opfun; 
} mpe_operation_t; 

// Handler definition
typedef struct mpe_handlerdef_s {
  mpe_effect_t      effect;         
  mpe_resultfun_t*  resultfun;     
  mpe_operation_t   operations[8];
} mpe_handlerdef_t;