


This repo is no longer one of the "known" buckets for scoop. :-)

Please run this:

PS> scoop bucket rm nirsoft
PS> scoop update
PS> scoop bucket add nirsoft

To make sure you're on the latest, you can run this and verify the output:

PS> scoop bucket list
Name       Source                                             Updated              Manifests
----       ------                                             -------              ---------
main       https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Main             6/9/2024 6:30:58 AM       1327
nirsoft    https://github.com/ScoopInstaller/Nirsoft          6/7/2024 10:24:26 PM       283
                 This should read 'ScoopInstaller/NirSoft' instead of 'kodybrown/scoop-nirsoft'


A Scoop bucket of useful NirSoft utilities.

To make it easy to install apps from this bucket, run:

> scoop bucket add nirsoft

Why does this exist?

For an app to be acceptable for the main bucket, it should be:

The "extras" bucket has more relaxed requirements, so it's a good place to put anything that doesn't quite fit in the main bucket.

The "nirsoft" bucket is specifically for the many (hundreds) of utilities found on the NirSoft website.