

<img src="./img/twilio-maltego2.png">

Utilize Twilio API for Maltego Transforms


Version: 1.0.0-beta

💎 About

Convert data from Twilio's API to Maltego entities (key required). At this time, Twilio's basic phone number validation is free. The others cost per lookup, so maybe don't get too carried away💸. Hey noobs, is it still OSINT if you have to pay for the INT?

Please use this tool ethically by respecting people's privacy and only collecting intelligence where explicit permission has been granted or otherwise legally qualified to do so. We are not responsible for any illegal use.

🛠️ Setup


Restricted Access Folder

Not all of Twilio's API endpoints are publically available. If you are one of the lucky ones, move the .py files in the restricted_access folder to the transforms directory before running setup.py.


   git clone https://github.com/kodamaChameleon/twilio-maltego.git
   cd twilio-maltego
   python3 setup.py

Enter your Accound_SID and Auth_Token when prompted. Import Twilio-Maltego.mtz into Maltego to begin running locally.

🧙 Features

<img src="./img/twilio_demo.png" width="600px">
checkAllReturns details from Twilio API lookup for all services available💰
checkCallForwardingReturns details from Twilio API lookup for call forwarding💰
toCallerReturns details from Twilio API lookup for caller💰
toCarrierReturns details from Twilio API lookup for carrier💰
validateNumberValidate phone number with Twilio API
checkActivityGet date of last SIM swap💰🚫
simSwapCheckGet date of last SIM swap💰🚫

💰 cost/lookup
🚫 not publically available

📜 License

<img src="https://mirrors.creativecommons.org/presskit/logos/cc.logo.large.png" height="60px">

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
Copyright (C) 2023 KodamaChameleon