


This is a Tensorflow implementation of "Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks" aiming to be compatible on the TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library.

Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks

SENet proposes an architectural unit called "Squeeze-and-Excitation" (SE) block to improve the representational power of a network by explicitly modelling the interdependencies between the channels of its convolutional features.

Diagram of a SE-Block

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/kobiso/SENet-tensorflow-slim/blob/master/figures/senet.jpg"> </div>

Schema of SE-Inception and SE-ResNet modules

<div align="center">  <img src="https://github.com/kobiso/SENet-tensorflow-slim/blob/master/figures/inception.png" width="420"> <img src="https://github.com/kobiso/SENet-tensorflow-slim/blob/master/figures/res.png" width="420"> </div>

Single-crop error rates (%) on the ImageNet validation set

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/kobiso/SENet-tensorflow-slim/blob/master/figures/ex1.png"> </div> <div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/kobiso/SENet-tensorflow-slim/blob/master/figures/ex2.png" width="420"> </div>


Prepare Data set

You should prepare your own dataset or open dataset (Cifar10, flowers, MNIST, ImageNet). For preparing dataset, you can follow the 'preparing the datasets' part in TF-Slim image models README.

SE-block Supportive Models

This project is based on TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library. Every image classification model in TensorFlow-Slim can be run the same. And, you can run SE-block added models in the below list by adding one argument --attention_module='se_block' when you train or evaluate a model.

Change Reduction ratio

To change reduction ratio, you have to manually set the ratio on def se_block(residual, name, ratio=8) method in SENet-tensorflow-slim/nets/attention_module.py.

Single-crop error rates (%) on ImageNet validation set at different reduction ratios

<div align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/kobiso/SENet-tensorflow-slim/blob/master/figures/ex5.png" width="420"> </div>

Train a Model

Train a model with SE-block

Below script gives you an example of training a model with SE-block. Don't forget to put an argument --attention_module=se_block.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_image_classifier.py \
    --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --dataset_name=imagenet \
    --dataset_split_name=train \
    --dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
    --model_name=resnet_v1_50 \
    --batch_size=100 \

Train a model without SE-block

Below script gives you an example of training a model without SE-block.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_image_classifier.py \
    --train_dir=${TRAIN_DIR} \
    --dataset_name=imagenet \
    --dataset_split_name=train \
    --dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
    --model_name=resnet_v1_50 \

Evaluate a Model

To keep track of validation accuracy while training, you can use eval_image_classifier_loop.py which evaluate the performance at multiple checkpoints during training. If you want to just evaluate a model once, you can use eval_image_classifier.py.

Evaluate a model with SE-block

Below script gives you an example of evaluating a model with SE-block during training. Don't forget to put an argument --attention_module=se_block.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval_image_classifier_loop.py \
    --alsologtostderr \
    --checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \
    --dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
    --eval_dir=${EVAL_DIR} \
    --dataset_name=imagenet \
    --dataset_split_name=validation \
    --model_name=resnet_v1_50 \
    --batch_size=100 \

Evaluate a model without SE-block

Below script gives you an example of evaluating a model without SE-block during training.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python eval_image_classifier_loop.py \
    --alsologtostderr \
    --checkpoint_path=${CHECKPOINT_FILE} \
    --dataset_dir=${DATASET_DIR} \
    --eval_dir=${EVAL_DIR} \
    --dataset_name=imagenet \
    --dataset_split_name=validation \
    --model_name=resnet_v1_50 \

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Byung Soo Ko / kobiso62@gmail.com