


Write templates for your components inside of a Shadow DOM root. Allows encapsulating styles (CSS) and markup (HTML) but using templates like you're used to.

🛠 Support for SSR/FastBoot in Chrome 90+, Release notes.

🤔 Not sure what Shadow DOM is? Check out this MDN article.

Compatibility: Most browsers support Shadow DOM (v1), except for IE11, see CanIUse for details

npm version


If using Ember < 3.20, this addon will use the private version of {{in-element}} via a polyfill.


ember install ember-shadow-dom


This addon provides a component called ShadowRoot.

    .internal { color: red; }

  <span class='internal'>Internal</span>

This makes the encapsulating component's children a shadow root.


In Shadow DOM you can generally use <slots>, but with Ember you can just use {{yield}}.

{{! components/test.hbs }}
    .internal { color: red; }

  <span class='internal'>

And you can call the component:

  Hello World!

And the contents Hello World! will be inside the shadow root. If you need multiple "slots", you can use ember-named-blocks-polyfill.

{{! components/card.hbs }}
<ShadowRoot ...attributes>
    .title { color: red; } .body { margin-top: 1rem; }

  <header class='title'>
    {{yield to='title'}}

  <div class='body'>
    {{yield to='body'}}

And use the component like so:

<Card class='custom-card'>
    My title

    Some content here!


<ShadowRoot> Component



This addon supports ShadowDom in SSR (meaning your styles will remain the same on initial render and not change when rehydrated) in Chrome 90+

Other browser vendors should follow, but there is some risk that it never happens. Details here: https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5191745052606464


Components with a open shadowroot can be tested using qunit-dom like so:

let root = find('#internal').shadowRoot;
assert.dom('.block', root).hasText('template block text');

Where the template looks like:

<ShadowRoot id='internal'>
  <div class='block'>template block text</div>

Note: check out https://github.com/salesforce/kagekiri for piercing the shadow for querying elements


See the Contributing guide for details.


Thanks to @rwjblue for realizing that {{in-element}} can be used for the shadow root!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.