


CLI tool for exploring arXiv (inspired by karpathy's brilliant ArXiv Sanity Preserver)

The script will create data/pdf/, data/to-read/, data/txt/ and data/summary/ directories to hold files downloaded from arXiv. I am also aware that this is a rather stupid way to implement a datastore but DBs seem a bit over the top. Text from PDFs are auto-converted on downloaded and are used to suggest future articles to the user. Downloading articles is idempotent.

It uses tfidf with cosine similarity to recommend articles to you. Frequency sum ranking from the tfidf matrix is also implemented and can be switched to by editing the ml/main_ml.py file (set metric="sum_freq"). Please do add other algorithms as you see fit.

If you'd like to alter this code for any reason, please fork it because I will be pushing to this repo from time to time. Cheers!


pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py