

PyShell Tool

<h4>Remote Access Trojan - RAT</h4>

Screen Shot


Tool Features

<ul> <li>Upload And Download Files</li> <li>Execute os Command</li> <li>Get Victim Address</li> <li>openfile in victim device</li> <li>open url in Victim Browser</li> <li>print message in Victim terminal</li> <li>see who is up on the victim network</li> <li>Take screenshot from victim device</li> </ul>

install Pyshell (Linux)

$ git clone https://github.com/khalednassar702/Pyshell
$ cd Pyshell
$ ./Pyshell

Payload Requirements

<ul> <li>Pyscreenshot</li> <li>Requests</li> <li>Nmap</li> </ul>

install Payload Requirements

$ sudo pip2 install pyscreenshot
$ sudo pip2 install python-nmap
$ sudo pip2 install requests