

Rank-One Model Editing (ROME)

This repository provides an implementation of Rank-One Model Editing (ROME) on auto-regressive transformers (GPU-only). We currently support OpenAI's GPT-2 XL (1.5B) and EleutherAI's GPT-J (6B). The release of a 20B GPT-like model from EleutherAI is expected soon; we hope to support it ASAP.

Feel free to open an issue if you find any problems; we are actively developing this repository and will monitor tickets closely.

Colab ROME Demo

<p align="center"> <img src="https://rome.baulab.info/images/eiftower-crop.svg" alt="causal tracing GIF" width="425px" /> </p>

Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Causal Tracing
  3. Rank-One Model Editing (ROME)
  4. CounterFact
  5. Evaluation
  6. How to Cite


We recommend conda for managing Python, CUDA, and PyTorch-related dependencies, and pip for everything else. To get started, simply install conda and run:


Causal Tracing

notebooks/causal_trace.ipynb demonstrates Causal Tracing, which can be modified to apply tracing to the processing of any statement.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://thevisible.net/u/davidbau/romeweb/small-fast-ct-animation.gif" alt="causal tracing GIF" width="550px" /> </p>

Rank-One Model Editing (ROME)

<!-- We provide a simple interactive notebook demonstrating ROME. --> <!-- ### Second-Moment Key Statistics **warning this is probably wrong; fixing later.** First, key statistics must be collected. The `rome` package contains a `layer_stats` module for computing and caching key statistics. See [rome/layer_stats.py](rome/layer_stats.py) for additional flags, but the basic logic can be executed with the following commands: GPT-2 XL: ```bash python -m rome.layer_stats --layer_num=17 --model_name=gpt2-xl ``` GPT-J: ```bash python -m rome.layer_stats --layer_num=10 --model_name=EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B ``` ### ROME Model Rewriting -->

notebooks/rome.ipynb demonstrates ROME. The API is simple; one simply has to specify a requested rewrite of the following form:

request = {
    "prompt": "{} plays the sport of",
    "subject": "LeBron James",
    "target_new": {
        "str": "football"

Several similar examples are included in the notebook.


Details coming soon!


See baselines/ for a description of the available baselines.

Running the Full Evaluation Suite

experiments/evaluate.py can be used to evaluate any method in baselines/. To get started (e.g. using ROME on GPT-2 XL), run:

python3 -m experiments.evaluate \
    --alg_name=ROME \
    --model_name=gpt2-xl \

Results from each run are stored at results/<method_name>/run_<run_id> in a specific format:

|__ ROME/
    |__ run_<run_id>/
        |__ params.json
        |__ case_0.json
        |__ case_1.json
        |__ ...
        |__ case_10000.json

To summarize the results, you can use experiments/summarize.py:

python3 -m experiments.summarize --dir_name=ROME --runs=run_<run_id>

Running python3 -m experiments.evaluate -h or python3 -m experiments.summarize -h provides details about command-line flags.

Integrating New Editing Methods

<!-- Say you have a new method `X` and want to benchmark it on CounterFact. Here's a checklist for evaluating `X`: - The public method that evaluates a model on each CounterFact record is [`compute_rewrite_quality`](experiments/py/eval_utils.py); see [the source code](experiments/py/eval_utils.py) for details. - In your evaluation script, you should call `compute_rewrite_quality` once with an unedited model and once with a model that has been edited with `X`. Each time, the function returns a dictionary. -->

Say you have a new method X and want to benchmark it on CounterFact. To integrate X with our runner:

Finally, run the main scripts:

python3 -m experiments.evaluate \
    --alg_name=X \
    --model_name=gpt2-xl \

python3 -m experiments.summarize --dir_name=X --runs=run_<run_id>

Note on Cross-Platform Compatibility

We currently only support methods that edit autoregressive HuggingFace models using the PyTorch backend. We are working on a set of general-purpose methods (usable on e.g. TensorFlow and without HuggingFace) that will be released soon.

<!-- Each method is customizable through a set of hyperparameters. For ROME, they are defined in `rome/hparams.py`. At runtime, you must specify a configuration of hyperparams through a `.json` file located in `hparams/<method_name>`. Check out [`hparams/ROME/default.json`](hparams/ROME/default.json) for an example. At runtime, you must specify two command-line arguments: the method name, and the filename of the hyperparameters `.json` file. ```bash python3 -m experiments.evaluate --alg_name=ROME --hparams_fname=default.json ``` Running the following command will yield `dict` run summaries: ```bash python3 -m experiments/summarize --alg_name=ROME --run_name=run_001 ``` -->

How to Cite

  title={Locating and Editing Factual Associations in {GPT}},
  author={Kevin Meng and David Bau and Alex Andonian and Yonatan Belinkov},
  journal={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems},