

nadeko is an experimental syntax extension which converts functions into amd64 assembly code.

For example,

pub fn add3(a: u8, b: u8, c: u8) -> u8 {
    return a + b + c;


pub fn add3(a: u8, b: u8, c: u8) -> u8 {
    return a.const_add(b).const_add(c);

where const_add is implemented as:

pub trait ConstAdd {
    fn const_add(self, b: Self) -> Self;

impl ConstAdd for u8 {
    fn const_add(self, b: u8) -> u8 {
        let mut ret: u8;
        unsafe {
            asm!("add $1, $0": "=r"(ret) : "r"(b), "0"(self) : "cc");


Cryptographic primitives require constant time behavior regardless of input. However, this is not easy with usual compilers like llvm.

For example, the following function does not have any branch, therefore it seems that it runs in constant time.

/// returns `if cond { a } else { b }`.
fn choice(cond: bool, a: u8, b: u8) -> u8 {
    // switch = if cond { 0 } else { 0b111...111 }
    let switch = (cond as u8) - 1;

    let axb = a ^ b;

    // mask = if cond { 0 } else { a ^ b }
    let mask = axb & switch;

    // ret = if cond { a } else { b }
    let ret = mask ^ a;


However, with --opt-level=1 or higher, llvm produces the following code:

    testb    %dil, %dil
    jne    .LBB0_1
    xorl    %esi, %edx
    jmp    .LBB0_3
    xorl    %edx, %edx
    xorb    %sil, %dl
    movb    %dl, %al

Here llvm is too smart, so axb & switch is "optimized" and becomes if cond { 0 } else { axb }.

On the other hand, with #[const_time] llvm produces the following code:

    movb    $1, %al
    subb    %al, %dil
    movb    %sil, %al
    xorb    %dl, %al
    andb    %dil, %al
    xorb    %sil, %al

Current status

Currently basic primitive arithmetic and restricted form of if ... {...} else {...} are implemented. a + b becomes a.const_add(b), and if cond { a } else { b } becomes cond.const_if(a, b).

Also, slice[expr] is not allowed if expr is not a constant literal.