

<h1 align="center"> <strong>fastapi-dependency</strong> </h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/Kludex/fastapi-dependency" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/Kludex/fastapi-dependency" alt="Latest Commit"> </a> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/workflow/status/Kludex/fastapi-dependency/CI"> <a href="https://github.com/Kludex/fastapi-dependency/actions?workflow=CI" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/Coverage-100%25-success"> </a> <br /> <a href="https://pypi.org/project/fastapi-dependency" target="_blank"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/fastapi-dependency" alt="Package version"> </a> <img src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/fastapi-dependency"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/Kludex/fastapi-dependency"> </p>

When you use FastAPI, you might be tempted to create sync (def) dependencies, on which you actually don't perform thread blocking operations. The thing is that FastAPI will always run your sync dependencies in a thread pool, which is not always necessary.

The goal of this package is to make explicit if you want to run a dependency in a thread pool.


The package is available on PyPI:

pip install fastapi-dependency


This package is really small and contains simple functions:


Signature: Depends(dependency: Callable[..., Any] | None = None, *, use_cache: bool = True, use_thread_pool: bool | None = None)

This function is a drop-in replacement for fastapi.Depends and it has the same signature. The only difference is that it has an extra parameter: use_thread_pool.

If you want to run a dependency in a thread pool, you can set use_thread_pool to True.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_dependency import Depends

app = FastAPI()

def dependency():
    return "Hello World!"

def index(message: str = Depends(dependency, use_thread_pool=True)):
    return {"message": message}

If you don't set use_thread_pool on sync dependencies, it will raise a RuntimeError.


Signature: ThreadDepends(dependency: Callable[..., Any] | None = None, *, use_cache: bool = True)

This function is a drop-in replacement for fastapi.Depends and it has the same signature. The only difference is that it will always run the dependency in a thread pool.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_dependency import ThreadDepends

app = FastAPI()

def dependency():
    return "Hello World!"

def index(message: str = ThreadDepends(dependency)):
    return {"message": message}


Signature: ThreadlessDepends(dependency: Callable[..., Any] | None = None, *, use_cache: bool = True)

This function is a drop-in replacement for fastapi.Depends and it has the same signature. The only difference is that it will never run the dependency in a thread pool.

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi_dependency import ThreadlessDepends

app = FastAPI()

def dependency():
    return "Hello World!"

def index(message: str = ThreadlessDepends(dependency)):
    return {"message": message}


The analogous functions for fastapi.Security are:


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.