

<img src="logo/babashka.svg" width="425px">

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A Clojure babushka for the grey areas of Bash.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"> <p lang="en" dir="ltr">Life's too short to remember how to write Bash code. I feel liberated.</p> &mdash; <a href="https://github.com/laheadle">@laheadle</a> on Clojurians Slack </blockquote>


The main idea behind babashka is to leverage Clojure in places where you would be using bash otherwise.

As one user described it:

I’m quite at home in Bash most of the time, but there’s a substantial grey area of things that are too complicated to be simple in bash, but too simple to be worth writing a clj/s script for. Babashka really seems to hit the sweet spot for those cases.




For installation options check Installation. For quick installation use:

$ bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/borkdude/babashka/master/install)

or grab a binary from Github releases yourself and place it anywhere on the path.

Then you're ready to go:

$ ls | bb -i '(filter #(-> % io/file .isDirectory) *input*)'
("doc" "resources" "sci" "script" "src" "target" "test")
bb took 4ms.

Babashka users

Are you using babashka in your company or personal projects? Let us know here.

Setting expectations

Babashka uses sci for interpreting Clojure. Sci implements a substantial subset of Clojure. Interpreting code is in general not as performant as executing compiled code. If your script takes more than a few seconds to run or has lots of loops, Clojure on the JVM may be a better fit as the performance on JVM is going to outweigh its startup time penalty. Read more about the differences with Clojure here.


Functionality regarding clojure.core and java.lang can be considered stable and is unlikely to change. Changes may happen in other parts of babashka, although we will try our best to prevent them. Always check the release notes or CHANGELOG.md before upgrading.


To get an overview of babashka, you can watch this talk (slides):

Babashka at ClojureD 2020

Babashka book

The babashka book contains detailed information about how to get the most out of babashka scripting.


Read the output from a shell command as a lazy seq of strings:

$ ls | bb -i '(take 2 *input*)'
("CHANGES.md" "Dockerfile")

Read EDN from stdin and write the result to stdout:

$ bb '(vec (dedupe *input*))' <<< '[1 1 1 1 2]'
[1 2]

Read more about input and output flags here.

Execute a script. E.g. print the current time in California using the java.time API:

File pst.clj:

#!/usr/bin/env bb

(def now (java.time.ZonedDateTime/now))
(def LA-timezone (java.time.ZoneId/of "America/Los_Angeles"))
(def LA-time (.withZoneSameInstant now LA-timezone))
(def pattern (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "HH:mm"))
(println (.format LA-time pattern))
$ pst.clj

More examples can be found here.

Try online

You can try babashka online with Nextjournal's babashka notebook environment.



Linux and macOS binaries are provided via brew.


brew install borkdude/brew/babashka


brew upgrade babashka

Arch (Linux)

babashka is available in the Arch User Repository. It can be installed using your favorite AUR helper such as yay, yaourt, apacman and pacaur. Here is an example using yay:

yay -S babashka-bin


On Windows you can install using scoop and the scoop-clojure bucket.

Installer script

Install via the installer script:

$ curl -sLO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/borkdude/babashka/master/install
$ chmod +x install
$ ./install

By default this will install into /usr/local/bin (you may need sudo for this). To change this, provide the directory name:

$ ./install --dir /tmp

To install a specific version, the script also supports --version:

$ ./install --dir /tmp --version 0.2.1

Github releases

You may also download a binary from Github. For linux there is a static binary available which can be used on Alpine.


Check out the image on Docker hub.


Check out the news page to keep track of babashka-related news items.

Built-in namespaces

Go here to see the full list of built-in namespaces.


A list of projects (scripts, libraries, pods and tools) known to work with babashka.


Pods are programs that can be used as a Clojure library by babashka. Documentation is available in the pod library repo.

A list of available pods can be found here.

Differences with Clojure

Babashka is implemented using the Small Clojure Interpreter. This means that a snippet or script is not compiled to JVM bytecode, but executed form by form by a runtime which implements a substantial subset of Clojure. Babashka is compiled to a native binary using GraalVM. It comes with a selection of built-in namespaces and functions from Clojure and other useful libraries. The data types (numbers, strings, persistent collections) are the same. Multi-threading is supported (pmap, future).

Differences with Clojure:

Package babashka script as a AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda runtime doesn't support signals, therefore babashka has to disable handling of SIGINT and SIGPIPE. This can be done by setting BABASHKA_DISABLE_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to true.

Articles, podcasts and videos

Building babashka

Developing Babashka

Including new libraries or classes

Before new libraries or classes go into the standardly distributed babashka binary, these evaluation criteria are considered:

If not all of the criteria are met, but adding a feature is still useful to a particular company or niche, adding it behind a feature flag is still a possibility. This is currently the case for next.jdbc and the PostgresQL and HSQLDB database drivers. Companies interested in these features can compile an instance of babashka for their internal use. Companies are also free to make forks of babashka and include their own internal libraries. If their customized babashka is interesting to share with the world, they are free to distribute it using a different binary name (like bb-sql, bb-docker, bb-yourcompany, etc.). See the feature flag documentation and the implementation of the existing feature flags (example commit).

Related projects


Thanks to all the people that contributed to babashka:

Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute]. <a href="https://github.com/borkdude/babashka/graphs/contributors"><img src="https://opencollective.com/babashka/contributors.svg?width=890&button=false" /></a>

Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]


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Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]

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Copyright © 2019-2020 Michiel Borkent

Distributed under the EPL License. See LICENSE.

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