

Toyota Radar driver

ROS2 driver for Denso Toyota/Lexus radar.

Adapted from excellent work of Faraz Khan and OpenCaret https://github.com/frk2/opencaret.

All hard work is done by him and Comma.ai.

The reason for this repo is that I wanted to be able to have a stand-alone ROS2 driver for this driver. Opencaret is of this date in ROS1 instead.

Getting Started


Wiring and connections

You need a Sumitomo 8 pin female connector to connect to the radar. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Molex-GREY-8-Pin-Wire-Connector-Harley-Waterproof-Sealed-Kit-MX150/232935572873?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

Heres the pinout to get you started: Radar pinout

3Car can High
2Car can Low
5Radar can High
6Radar can Low
812V VCC

CAN adapter

I have used these two CAN adaptors successfully:

You'll need to buy a particle photon and flash it with the SocketCAN application they have for it to work with Socketcan on linux/mac

You can also use comma.ai's Panda if you can hunt down the can pins on the OBD connector

And thats it!