


Command line webOS remote for LGTVs. This tool uses a connection via websockets to port 3000 on newer LG TVs, there are other tools which use a restful connection to port 8080 however that port is closed on newer firmware versions.

A note from the developer

My LG TV is now so out of date that largely what is developed here is tested, improved and debugged by the community. As it goes my TV works fine and I'm not the kind of person to create more unnecessary electrical waste than I need to so as long as my current TV works, it's largely down to you guys.

A big thanks for the contributions over the years too, lots of people have made lots of changes to this project over time, and it would only be as useful as it is with their help.

Supported models

Tested with

Tested with python 3.9 on Debian Unstable. Tested with python 3.10 on Windows 10/11 Tested with 3.10 on WSL (Ubuntu 20.04) Tested with python 3.12 on macOS

Likely supports

All devices with firmware major version 4, product name "webOSTV 2.0"

Available Commands

lgtv scan
lgtv --ssl auth <host> MyTV
lgtv setDefault MyTV
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl audioStatus
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl audioVolume
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl closeAlert <alertId>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl closeApp <appid>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl createAlert <message> <button>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl execute <command>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getCursorSocket
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getForegroundAppInfo
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getPictureSettings
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getPowerState
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getSoundOutput
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getSystemInfo
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl getTVChannel
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl input3DOff
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl input3DOn
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputChannelDown
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputChannelUp
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputMediaFastForward
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputMediaPause
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputMediaPlay
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputMediaRewind
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl inputMediaStop
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl listApps
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl listLaunchPoints
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl listChannels
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl listInputs
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl listServices
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl mute <true|false>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl notification <message>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl notificationWithIcon <message> <url>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl off
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl on
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openAppWithPayload <payload>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openBrowserAt <url>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openYoutubeId <videoid>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openYoutubeURL <url>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openYoutubeLegacyId <videoid>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openYoutubeLegacyURL <url>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl sendButton <button>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl serialise
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl setInput <input_id>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl setSoundOutput <tv_speaker|external_optical|external_arc|external_speaker|lineout|headphone|tv_external_speaker|tv_speaker_headphone|bt_soundbar>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl screenOff
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl screenOn
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl setTVChannel <channelId>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl setVolume <level>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl startApp <appid>
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl swInfo
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl volumeDown
lgtv --name MyTV --ssl volumeUp


Requires wakeonlan, websocket for python (python3-websocket for python3), and getmac. python-pip (python3-pip for python3) and git are required for the installation process.

python -m venv lgtv-venv
source lgtv-venv/bin/activate
pip install git+https://github.com/klattimer/LGWebOSRemote

To install it system wide:

sudo mkdir -p /opt
sudo python -m venv /opt/lgtv-venv
source /opt/lgtv-venv/bin/activate
sudo pip install git+https://github.com/klattimer/LGWebOSRemote

or with pipx:

pipx install git+https://github.com/klattimer/LGWebOSRemote.git

Example usage

# Scan/Authenticate
$ lgtv scan
    "count": 1,
    "list": [
            "address": "",
            "model": "UF830V",
            "uuid": "10f34f86-0664-f223-4b8f-d16a772d9baf"
    "result": "ok"
$ lgtv --ssl auth MyTV
# At this point the TV will request pairing, follow the instructions on screen

# Commands are basically

$ lgtv --name MyTV --ssl on
$ lgtv --name MyTV --ssl off

# If you have the youtube plugin
$ lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openYoutubeURL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

# Otherwise, this works reasonably well
$ lgtv --name MyTV --ssl openBrowserAt https://www.youtube.com/tv#/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

# You can set the default TV so the `--name` argument can be skipped
$ lgtv setDefault MyTV


Starting 25th of January 2023 LG has deprecated insecure ws connections, ssl is now required. Because of this, should you wish to use it on newer firmware devices you can append the argument "ssl" at the back. It connects to 3001 with wss.


$ lgtv auth MyTV
$ lgtv --name MyTV --ssl off
$ lgtv --name MyTV --ssl screenOff

sendButton args: ['asterisk', 'back', 'blue', 'channel_down', 'channel_up', 'click', 'down', 'enter', 'exit', 'fast_forward', 'green', 'home', 'left', 'pause', 'play', 'red', 'rewind', 'right', 'stop', 'up', 'volume_down', 'volume_up', 'yellow']


You need to auth with the TV before being able to use the on command as it requires the mac address.


Implement the following features:



I couldn't test youtube because it seems the app isn't installed and not available to download right now maybe they're updating it?