

NFA: Nondeterministic finite automaton

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What is Nondeterministic finite automaton

In automata theory, a finite state machine is called a deterministic finite automaton (DFA), if

Using the subset construction algorithm, each NFA can be translated to an equivalent DFA, i.e. a DFA recognizing the same formal language.[1] Like DFAs, NFAs only recognize regular languages. Sometimes the term NFA is used in a narrower sense, meaning an automaton that properly violates an above restriction, i.e. that is not a DFA.

NFAs were introduced in 1959 by Michael O. Rabin and Dana Scott,[2] who also showed their equivalence to DFAs. (sited from here)

Looking for DFA implement?

I also write a DFA implenent in Go here. https://github.com/kkdai/dfa

Installation and Usage


go get github.com/kkdai/nfa


package main

import (

func main() {
	nfa := NewNFA(0, false)
	nfa.AddState(1, false)
	nfa.AddState(2, true)

	nfa.AddTransition(0, "a", 1, 2)
	nfa.AddTransition(1, "b", 0, 2)

	var inputs []string
	inputs = append(inputs, "a")
	inputs = append(inputs, "b")
	fmt.Println("If input a, b will go to final?", nfa.VerifyInputs(inputs) )

Inspired By


It is one of my project 52.


This package is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.