

Treemux for Tmux

Nothing has been this close to an IDE!

Treemux opens a sidebar with Neovim's Nvim-Tree file explorer, with additional cool features like:

<img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12980409/210149162-bdfdbed7-c2e7-4616-bcaa-9d83dedda7e3.gif" width="100%"/>

Of course you also get:

Furthermore, it will detect git directory and open that as root, while still opening current directory.

Tested and working on Linux, MacOS and Windows WSL2.

Key bindings

NOTE: Instant IDE modes are deprecated. Now you can just open a file from the tree without entering this mode.

Installation with Tmux Plugin Manager

Add plugin to the list of TPM plugins in .tmux.conf:

set -g @treemux-tree-nvim-init-file '~/.tmux/plugins/treemux/configs/treemux_init.lua'
set -g @plugin 'kiyoon/treemux'

Hit prefix + I to fetch the plugin and source it.

Install python support for Neovim.

pip3 install --user pynvim

Make sure you have Neovim and lsof installed.

nvim --version
lsof -h  # most distro include this, but maybe Arch wouldn't have it.

You should now be able to use the plugin.

Updating the plugin

Not only updating the plugin itself (prefix + U),
you need to also update the neovim plugins.
Run this from the side tree:

:Lazy update

