


This is a Loggly backend for lager which lets you send lager logs to your Loggly account.

##Configuration Configure a Lager handler like the following:

{lager_loggly_backend, [Level, MaxRetries, RetryInterval, LogglyUrl]}

An example might look something like this:

{lager_loggly_backend, [info, 5, 3, "https://logs-01.loggly.com/inputs/1c6b53a4-972b-4c69-83ea-037de24c9bb2/tag/my_id/"]}

Refer to Lager’s documentation for further information on configuring handlers.

##Upgrade notes

Since the identity tag should be appended directly to the LogglyUrl while accessing the current Loggly API, the previous configuration option Identity was removed.