


Go Report Card

fen is a terminal file manager inspired by ranger
Works for Linux, macOS, FreeBSD and Windows

<p float="left"> <img src="screenshots/linux.png" alt="fen running on Linux, with the file preview script rainbow.lua" width="48%"> <img src="screenshots/macos.png" alt="fen running on macOS, showing the no-write feature" width="50%"> <img src="screenshots/freebsd.png" alt="fen running on FreeBSD, showing the root file system" width="50%"> <img src="screenshots/windows.png" alt="fen running on Windows, showing the open-with modal" width="48%"> </p>

Try it out now!

git clone https://github.com/kivattt/fen
cd fen
go build # Install Go: https://go.dev/dl/
./fen # fen.exe on Windows

Installing on Linux/FreeBSD

Download the latest version in the Releases page, and put it inside /usr/local/bin


sudo -i GOBIN=/usr/local/bin go install github.com/kivattt/fen@latest


Arrow keys, hjkl, mouse click or scrollwheel to navigate (Enter goes right), Escape key to cancel an action

? or F1 Toggle help menu
q Quit fen
z or Backspace Toggle hidden files
Ctrl + Space or Ctrl + n Open file(s) with specific program
Home or g to go to the top
End or G to go to the bottom
M Go to the middle
Page Up / Page Down Scroll up/down an entire page
H Go to the top of the screen
L Go to the bottom of the screen
Del or x Delete file(s)
y Copy file(s)
d Cut file(s)
p Paste file(s)
/ or Ctrl + f Search
c Goto folder
Space Select files
A Flip selection in folder (select all files)
D Deselect all, and un-yank
a Rename a file
V Start selecting by moving
n Create a new file
N Create a new folder
F5 Sync the screen, fixes broken output that can be caused by running a command, or filenames with certain Unicode characters
0-9 Go to a configured bookmark


You can find a complete default config with extra examples in the config.lua file
For a full config folder example, see my personal config

Linux/FreeBSD: ~/.config/fen/config.lua or $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/fen/config.lua if $XDG_CONFIG_HOME set
macOS: $HOME/Library/Application Support/fen/config.lua
Windows: %AppData%\Roaming\fen\config.lua

You can specify a different config file with the --config flag

File previews

fen does not (yet!) have file previews by default
For file previews with programs like cat or head, you can add something like this to your config.lua:

fen.preview = {
        program = {"head -n 100"},
        match = {"*"}

For something cross-platform, file previews can also be a lua script.

fen.preview = {
        script = fen.config_path.."basic.lua",
        match = {"*"}

If "script" is set, "program" will be ignored in the same preview entry.
"script" can not be a list like "program" can, because we want to see syntax errors when writing lua code instead of falling back to anything.
The "script" key has to be an absolute file path

Changing directory

You can change the current working directory to the one in fen on exit:

cd $(fen --print-folder-on-exit)

You can alias fen to do this every time you open it by adding this to your .bashrc:

cd_fen() {
    cd $(fen --print-folder-on-exit)
alias fen=cd_fen

NOTE: Using this alias will break command-line arguments, like fen -v since the output will be passed to cd.

Lua scripting

fen uses gopher-lua as its Lua runtime.

Writing file preview scripts with Lua

Do not use print(), it outputs to stdout which doesn't work well within file previews.
You can find examples in lua-file-preview-examples

File preview scripts are separate from config.lua, don't expect any direct overlap in the API

Available variables:

fen.SelectedFile Currently selected file absolute file path to preview
fen.Width Width of the file preview area
fen.Height Height of the file preview area

Available functions:

fen:Print(text, x, y, maxWidth, alignment, color) returns amount of characters on screen printed Print text at the given x/y position. x=0, y=0 is the top left corner of the file preview area and limited to the file preview area only Go doc
fen:PrintSimple(text, x, y) returns amount of characters on screen printed Same as above, with default color and alignment and no maxWidth Go doc
fen:Escape(text) Escape style tags Go doc
fen:TranslateANSI(text) Turn ANSI into style tags Go doc
fen:NewRGBColor(r, g, b) Go doc
fen:ColorToString(color) (Since v1.1.2) Go doc
fen:RuntimeOS() (Since v1.1.3) The OS fen is running in Go doc
fen:Version() (Since v1.2.3) fen version string

Notes about fen:Print() and fen:PrintSimple():
Newlines will not show up, and do nothing. You will have to manually call it multiple times, increasing y.
Tabs are replaced with 4 spaces so they are visible

Writing file open scripts with Lua (Since v1.3.0)

You can find examples in lua-file-open-examples

Available variables:

fen.SelectedFiles List of selected files to open
fen.ConfigPath Same as fen.config_path from config.lua
fen.RuntimeOS The OS fen is running in Go doc
fen.Version fen version string

Known issues

See TODO.md for other issues and possible future features, roughly sorted by priority