

Elder.js Plugin: i18n

npm version

i18n (internationalization) for elderjs. You will need elderjs v1.2.5 or higher.




npm i -s elderjs-plugin-i18n # or yarn add elderjs-plugin-i18n


Once installed, open your elder.config.js and configure the plugin by adding 'elder-plugin-i18n' to your plugin object.

plugins: {
  'elderjs-plugin-i18n': {
      locales: {
        default: 'fr',
        all: ['fr', { code: 'en', iso: 'en' }],
        excludes: ['en'],
      permalink: {
        prefix: true,
        prefixDefault: false,
        lastSlash: true
      seo: {
        hreflang: true,
        lang: true,



A locale in this plugin is defined like this:

  code: 'en', // your local code. It's used as an id and prefix for permalink.
  iso: 'en', // your iso code, e.g: `en` or `en-GB`.
  origin: 'https://different-origin.uk' // ( Optional ). Set a diffent domains/subdomains.

In the configuration: all: An array containing all your locales as define previously.

You can also use a simple string as a shortcut, e.g: 'fr' become { code: 'fr', iso: 'fr'} .

default: The default locale code.

excludes: An array of locale code to excludes from generation, but keeping the links. Can be used in the case of internationalization with multiples domains.


prefix: add the corresponding locale locale before the permalink. e.g: /example with {code: 'en'} locale will become /en/example.

defaultPrefix: if the default locale should have a prefix or not.

lastSlash: when asking for a permalink through this plugins, should it return the last slash or not.


hreflang: Generate hreflang links into the head of your document.

lang: Add the lang attribute with th corresponding locale to your body.


This plugin come with somes helpers define in helpers.i18n accessible in your route.js file. These helpers can be describe in two categories:


They generate the new routes according to the plugins options. They have to be used in your route.js for the pages you want to internationalize.



// route.js

module.exports = {
  all: async ({ helpers }) => helpers.i18n.generateRequests([{slug: 'example'}]), // [{slug: 'example', locale: 'en'}, ...]
  permalink: ({ request, helpers }) => helpers.i18n.generatePermalink(request.slug, request.locale), // '/en/example'
  data: async ({ helpers, request }) => { links: helpers.i18n.allPermalinks(request), }, // [{ locale: 'en', permalink: '/en/example' }, ...]