Example Todo app built with Angular 2, PrimeNG, and Java (using JSweet on the front-end and JAX-RS on the back-end)
This is part of the sample application for the presentation "Full Stack Java with JSweet, Angular 2, PrimeNG, and JAX-RS", originally given at JavaOne in September, 2016 by Kito D. Mann from Virtua, Inc.. It demonstrates how you can write an Angular 2 application with PrimeNG components using Java (courtesy of the JSweet transpiler), and have it talk to a standard Java back-end using JAX-RS.
This repository contains the back-end code; the front-end and slides are in separate repositories.
The app contains a simple JAX-RS TaskResource
, uses CDI for dependency injection, and is deployed
using Jersey in a stand-alone JAR. This project is built using Apache Maven.
All you need is JDK 1.8, Maven, and your favorite IDE.
Running the App
Run the example as follows:
mvn clean compile exec:java
This deploys the example using Grizzly container. You can access the application at:
The only endpoint is "tasks" see the TaskResource
class for more info.
Setup the front-end
If you haven't already, visit the angular-primeng-jsweet-todo-client project and clone the Java-based front-end build using JSweet, Angular 2, and PrimeNG. See the README for that repository for more information.